Rumor: The Sims 3 Diesel Stuff Pack

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Rincon Del Simmer has discovered the name and theme of Stuff Pack #7. The Sims 3 Diesel Stuff Pack. Diesel is an Italian based Fashion Company, and this would make stuff pack 7 similar to the Sims 2 H&M theme. You can check for more info, and their Facebook Page for tons of photos.

Back in November when EA released a survey, Diesel was one of the many choices for branding available to choose from. Along with Diesel was Katy Perry, which we all know quite well has made it into the series. Any way you look at the fashions available from Diesel, it could most certainly blend in with a “Teen Themed” stuff pack that was chosen as the winner from TS3’s site poll.


Thanks to for the photo!


There have already been a few listings spotted for Stuff Pack #7 , so these may be listings for a Diesel pack, slated for July release.

At this time it is best not to release how Rincon Del Simmer was able to surface it’s name, but I can assure you I tried and saw it myself, so the source is 100% legit . As a matter of fact, it comes directly from EA’s/Sims 3 website(s) in the “Games” category when searching for friends with a certain game. Until (and if) we see any additional information on this pack, we can all consider this a rumor.



