Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats Live Chat (Part 2 Info)

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The second Sims 3 Katy Perry Sweet Treats Chat, will be live on Thursday May 24th @10:00am PST. The web page has gone live (so bookmark it!), and they have also included details on what this next chat will reveal.

Thanks to Rincon Del Simmer for the info! 🙂


Come and join us as The Sims 3 Producer, Jennifer Lane gives you a sugar high as you dive into the world of The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats during a special EA.com Live Broadcast on May 24, 2012 at 10:00AM PST! Many of you may have joined us for the previous The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats Live Broadcast located above, but prepare to sink your sweet tooth into our reveal of the Cake Pleasure Dome, a new local hangout packed full of sweet surprises.

Jennifer will show off the vast range of décor items, furniture, and, of course, fabulous fashions and hairstyles, all inspired by Katy’s real-life clothing and props as part of the full live demo. Turn your Sims’ home and neighborhood into a vibrant candytopia!

