SimGuruJenn’s Sims 3 Diesel Twitter Answers!

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Via The Sims 3 Twitter


♦ #TS3Diesel is focused on Adult and Young Adult fashions


♦ I especially love some of the jeans, and also really excited to have so many clothing items for male Sims!


♦ No new hairs for this pack. The focus of #TS3Diesel was on the fashions from their great line of clothes.


♦ #TS3Diesel does have a fun bikini for female Sims.


♦ Diesel is a higher end, casual clothing line that is sold globally.


♦ We had a great opportunity to work with Diesel this time around and Simmer have enjoyed packs with Ikea and H&M in The Sims 2. The amount of content is about the same as our other normal Stuff Packs. I don’t know how the price converts to in Euros, sorry.


♦ I don’t know the exact ratio of male to female items but there is a good balance of both male and female fashions. TONS of stuff for your male Sims!


♦ We had a unique opportunity to work both Diesel and Katy Perry and it was a chance to offer 2 very different Stuff Packs this Spring/Summer.


♦ While the focus is on the Diesel fashions, there are more than a dozen objects in #TS3Diesel


♦ Objects include items for your living room, bedroom and dining room.


♦ We don’t talk about exact numbers for Stuff Packs, but the amount of content and pricing should be the same as normal Stuff Packs.


♦ #TS3Diesel does not have venues because the focus of this Stuff Pack is on the clothing, but your Sims will be looking so hot in their new denim!


♦ #TS3Diesel releases the week of July 10th, depending on your territory. Sweet Treats is a mega sized stuff pack. We will talk more about that pack in the future.


