Giveaway #11 – Spot The Differences!

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We have a winner folks! Congrats to shante who posted the correct differences!
Shante’s photo:


Spot the Differences


There are a total of *14 differences* between the two photos. You will need to….

1) Download the photo from here: Click Here to download photo (Pick a size)
2) Use paint (or any other method) to circle the differences in ONLY ONE of the two photos
3) Upload the photo to any photo sharing service (Photobucket, Flickr, TinyPic etc)
4) Paste the link to your photo here in the comments section


First person to post a comment with their photo link, and the correct differences circled, will win The Sims 3 Diesel Stuff Pack Code! Good Luck!



Please remember to use a valid email when commenting!

