Origin Weekly Giveaway: Sims 3 Ping Pong Set

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Welcome to our weekly prize giveaway. Leave us a comment for a chance to win free game codes and other cool prizes while celebrating your favorite games. We do this every Thursday—to stay in touch with these giveaways, like us on Facebook.
Sometimes Sims just need to party—whether it’s a raging 80s dance party complete with spandex and poofy hair from The Sims 3 70s, 80s, and 90s Stuff Pack, or a bonfire party by the lake in TS3 University Life. How do your Sims like to let loose and live it up? For a chance to win a party-ready TS3 Juice Pong Kit (complete with The Sims 3 ping-pong balls and 20 lime green party cups), tell us about your Sims’ best party moment in the comments below.





