New Blog, New World, New Venue, More Details!

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Via SimGuruTaterTot (yum!)

Hello folks!
Man it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a blog. Too long. Can I point to Dragon Valley as the main reason? It’s kept us busy here at The Sims 3 Store since before Aurora Skies was out! Everyone on the Store has crafted a lot of love and attention into Dragon Valley, and we hope you like it when it comes out tomorrow. It’s been my favorite world since its conception, so you know what I’ll be playing this weekend.



There have been a lot of questions about the different bundles. Admittedly, they’re confusing if you’ve never tried purchasing Monte Vista. Let me shed some detailed light on these bundles to help a few of you folks out:
$25 Dragon Valley Simpoint Bundle
♦ The Sims 3 Dragon Valley


♦ 100 Simpoints
$35 Dragon Valley Simpoint Bundle:
♦ The Sims 3 Dragon Valley

♦ The Celtic Lands Set

♦ 1900 Simpoints

Thumbnail_688x336 (28)

A few Simmers have tried pegging dollar amounts to the Celtic Lands set, and then figuring out the discount you get for the 1900 simpoints from there. Not quite the way it works out, but I give everyone kudos for trying. The Celtic Lands set is a free bonus set you get for purchasing the $35 bundle. That additional $10 covers the 1900 simpoints, just like it did for Monte Vista.
Your next question might be: Why 1900 simpoints? That’s an easy answer. We’re hoping you use those simpoints to get the Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire venue.
The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire


Speaking of this venue, it’s awesome. I’ll be releasing another community blog from Alan Copeland regarding this venue in a few days. It’s his best blog yet!
While Archery and Violins are awesome – don’t get me wrong about that…what makes this venue amazing is the fact that if you have both Dragon Valley and the Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire venue, you unlock the Armored Black Dragon (my favorite dragon) in game. It’s the same idea as the Weatherstone for Supernaturals and Seasons. And remember, all four dragons would then be playable in any world in The Sims 3.


Hope this clears up some confusion!
If you have any more questions, SimGuruSmitty is doing a Q&A free for all in the forums. Check it out here.
And don’t forget to pick up Dragon Valley tomorrow on the Sims 3 Store. If you plan on waiting for the retail release, it’s going to be released worldwide starting on August 6th. The box will contain a disc and code, similar to what the majority of the world saw for Monte Vista’s retail release.


