The Sims 3 Dragon Valley (Info & Screenshots)

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The big day is here simmers! The Sims 3 Dragon Valley is now available, and we have gathered all the information you need to know about the world itself, and the Baby Dragons! There are a few sections below that are still in progress, but rest assured I am working on them right now.

Big Thanks to EA/Maxis for providing us with an early copy of the world. 🙂 


The Sims 3 Dragon Valley Info Post




Create A Sim

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Build/Buy/Edit Town Mode

Amber Elm Tree Ancient Oak Tree Ascending Wisteria Barrier Entryway Gate Bonded Tapestry Chamber Pot Dragon Egg Dragon Slayer Heroine Statue Dragon's Ridge Roof Decor Dragon's Ridge Roof Extender Fantasy Column Flowing Fixture Great Hall Dining Chair Great Hall Dining Table Heather Shrub Knotted Torch Lofty Roof Lantern Ombre Umbrella Ornate Arch Ornate Door Ornate Roof End Outdoor Lamplight - Sky Version Outdoor Lamplight Rising Wisteria Root of Wisteria Scaling Wisteria Simple Roof End Slatted Sun Window Step Right Up Pedestal Sink Stonework Fence Sun Window Wandering Wisteria Baby Dragon Horizon Guard Post Post Box Rugged Receptacle Condolence Stone Dragon Slayer's Departure Here Lies Myra Maines Hero's Farewell Lost Ruin Column Lost Ruin Entryway Lost Ruin Ruble Lost Ruin Viewpoint Lost Ruin Wall Reserved for Earl E. Demise Rest in Pieces Stone Barrier Post Stone Barrier Well of Wisdom Zombie Proof Headstone City Hall Drake School of Life and Learning Garda Police and Military Heroe's Passing Like Minded Individuals, INC Miser McCans's Restaurant Mithrilen's Madmen Hideaway Myth, Legends, Lore, and Fact Facility Slainte Chugat Harmony Hospitak The Local Grocer Tome Traders Tourney Tent of Champions Tourney Tent of Contenders Tourney Tent of Novices Ubiquitous Unity Day Spa World's Theater Airy Arches Celtic Branches Celtic Embossed Columns on Walls Feathery Flora



 Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire



Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire is a separate, yet related venue. This venue is home to the exclusive Fit as a Fiddle Violin and Archer’s Gauntlet. This venue also unlocks the Black Dragon for use within your game when you have The Sims 3 Dragon Valley World installed.

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 Celtic Lands Bonus Set

Balefire Table Celtic Charm Hot Tub Chalice of Light Circle of Stones River Chalice Fence River Chalice Gate Rune Fire Siren's Call Light song of the Bard Wake of Harmony



Baby Dragons



The Red, Green, Purple and Black Dragons are small pets with special abilities. Before hatching into Baby Dragons, you will need to purchase the Dragon Eggs in buy mode under “Misc. Entertainment” for 395 Simoleons. The Dragons and their Eggs can only be used by Sims Child-Elder.
Once you have purchased the Dragon Egg, you will need to “Talk to” the egg in order to hatch it. There are a number of socials you can use to interact with the dragon eggs, and once you speak to it, it will enable the 6 hour hatching time. Once the six hours are up, the Dragon Egg will hatch into a Baby Dragon.
The following socials are available when talking to the Dragon Eggs:

♦ Brag about Physical Prowess

♦ Gossip about Love of Fire

♦ Talk about Job

♦ Talk about the Weather

♦ Talk about Friends

♦ Discuss the Egg Paradox

♦ Plot against Enemies

♦ Converse about Existentialism



Once your Dragon Egg hatches into a Baby Dragon, there will be plenty to do with them. The “super powers” your Baby Dragon possesses, will depend on the color of their skin. Each baby dragon is equipped with special abilities that make them all unique.
Each of the four baby dragons can be fed, played with, carried, and even fly around in areas where there’s enough room to do so. Click a baby dragon and select any of these interactions at any time.

❗ While Sims can own as many baby dragons as they choose to, they can only have one of each Baby Dragon color stored in their inventory at one time.
❗ Be sure to name your Baby Dragon immediately. If you do not name your baby dragons, townies will be able to run off with them.



Red Baby Dragons


The following powers are available with the Red Baby Dragons:

Talk about Athletic – Using this interactions allows Sims to gain and level up in the Athletic Skill. This process is not the fastest method of increasing a Sim’s Athletic Skill, but it gets the job done on the go!

Shoot Fireball at… – When using this interaction, select any close-by Sims to be on the receiving end. The Red Dragon will then spit fire at the receiving Sim, causing them a temporary discomfort, and a fiery singe. Sometimes the dragons will miss their target, and end up setting the ground ablaze. Be sure not to perform this interaction indoors! (This interaction negatively impacts relationships)

Cast Fiery Torment on… – When using this interaction, select any close-by Sims to be on the receiving end. The Red Dragon will spit fire at their feet, causing them a temporary discomfort while they dance the fire away. Sometimes the dragons will miss their target, and end up setting the ground ablaze. Be sure not to perform this interaction indoors! (This interaction negatively impacts relationships)


Mark of the Red Dragon (Moodlet) – Sims who are around Red Baby Dragons will receive a boost in the Energy and Hygiene motives.



Green Baby Dragons


The following powers are available with the Green Baby Dragons:

Talk about Gardening – Using this interactions allows Sims to gain and level up in the Gardening Skill. This process is not the fastest method of increasing a Sim’s Gardening Skill, but it gets the job done on the go!

Harvest Plants – When using this interaction, Green Baby Dragons will summon a harvest on any planted harvestables around. If the garden is not yet at the harvest state, this interaction will bring them to a harvest. If the garden is ready to be harvested, this interaction will allow the Green Baby Dragon to scoop up all the harvestables at once, and place them into a Sim’s inventory. (This interaction can only be performed once every hour)


Summon Treasure – When using this interaction, Green Baby Dragons will summon collectibles of all types. From Goldfish, to Rainbow Gems, these earthly dragons will bring it all!

Mark of the Green Dragon (Moodlet) – Sims who are around Green Baby Dragons will receive a boost in the Hunger and Bladder motives.



Purple Baby Dragons


The following powers are available with the Purple Baby Dragons:

Talk about Charisma – Using this interactions allows Sims to gain and level up in the Charisma Skill. This process is not the fastest method of increasing a Sim’s Charisma Skill, but it gets the job done on the go!


Summon a Friend – When using this interaction, Purple Baby Dragons will summon a random friend from a Sim’s relationship panel. (This interaction can only be performed if a Sim has a friend)

Summon Someone New – When using this interaction, Purple Baby Dragons will summon a random townie. Interacting with these summoned townies will allow a Sim to make new friends.

Be the Life of the Party – When using this interaction, Purple Baby Dragons will improve any party around town. If your Sim is hosting a party at home, the outcome of the party will significantly increase. If there are no parties on your home lot, this interaction will improve any parties happening around town. If there are no parties happening around town, there will be nothing to improve.


Cast Rune Charm on… – When using this interaction, Purple Baby Dragons will cast a “Happy” charm on the receiving Sim, giving them a massive mood boost for up to twelve hours. This interaction will also remove the “Singed” moodlet, and change Sims into their regular non-singed clothing.

Mark of the Purple Dragon (Moodlet) – Sims who are around Purple Baby Dragons will receive a boost in the Fun and Social motives.



Black Baby Dragons


❗ To Unlock the Black Dragon, you must have The Sims 3 Dragon Valley World, and The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire Venue installed.


The following powers are available with the Black Baby Dragons:

Talk about Logic – Using this interactions allows Sims to gain and level up in the Logic Skill. This process is not the fastest method of increasing a Sim’s Logic Skill, but it gets the job done on the go!

Summon Ghost – When using this interaction, Black Baby Dragons will summon a random ghost from around town to haunt the active lot.

Summon Death Flower – When using this interaction, Black Baby Dragons will summon a Death Flower. Death Flowers can be used to evade the Grim Reaper should something happen to your Sim. This interaction can be used infinite times.


Cast Phantasmal Curse on… – When using this interaction, Black Baby Dragons will infect the receiving Sim with the “Zombified” moodlet. The moodlet lasts for 6 hours, and turns Sims into Zombies! Aaaarrrggg!



Video Link



Fit as a Fiddle Violin



The Fit as a Fiddle Violin is a brand new skill based instrument. You can find the violin in buy mode under “Hobbies & Skills” for 600 Simoleons. The Violin can only be used by Sims Child-Elder.
Sims who play the Violin will begin to increase their Violin Skill. The Violin Skill has 10 levels, each unlocking new interactions and compositions.
The following interactions & compositions are available with the Violin Skill:

Violin Skill (Levels 1-3): Play Traditional Music

Violin Skill (Levels 4-5): Play Medieval Music, Play for Tips & Serenade (requires romantic interest)

Violin Skill (Level 6): Perform Traditional Composition (Amber Rose) & Perform Medieval Composition (The Tenth Ballad of Henry the Ninth & Armored Armour)


Violin Skill (Level 7): New Traditional Composition added (The Duck Ascending)

Violin Skill (Level 8): New Traditional Composition added (Plumbob Bob) & New Medieval Composition added (Jester’s Last Dance)

Violin Skill (Level 9): New Traditional Composition added (Stairway to Dragon Valley)

Violin Skill (Level 10): New Traditional Composition added (Don’t Wall Me In)


Video Link



Archer’s Gauntlet



The Archer’s Gauntlet is a brand new object which helps Sims raise their Athletic Skill. You can find the archer’s gauntlet in buy mode under “Misc. Entertainment” for 1,250 Simoleons. The Archer’s Gauntlet can only be used by Sims Teen-Elder.
Success with the Archer’s Gauntlet depends highly on a Sim’s Athletic Skill. Sims with a higher Athletic Skill are more likely to receive the mood boosting “Marksman” & “Eagle Eye” Moodlets, and also dominate the score board.

Archery Scores

The following interactions are available with the Archer’s Gauntlet

Practice Archery (Basic Shot, Quick Shot, Challenge shot & Extreme shot)

Challenge The Board (Basic Shot, Quick Shot, Challenge shot & Extreme shot)


Video Link

