Community Spotlight: Lifesimmer (YouTuber)

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Introducing Community Spotlight! Each and every month we will feature an introduction or interview with a Simmer within the community. Here to kick off this monthly Community Spotlight is YouTuber Lifesimmer.
In a brief introduction below, Lifesimmer gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about her and her YouTube Channel. She also just recently surpassed 100,000 Subcribers on her YouTube Channel. Congrats Lifesimmer!


Hello everyone, Im Cristina also known as Lifesimmer. I’ve been producing Lets Plays on Youtube for about 2 years now. I hope this article lets you get to know me a little better.
So once upon a time, I was a simpleton who didn’t know what the internet had to offer. I would browse many YouTube videos but was never sure how one could possibly produce them. One day I stumbled across a Sims Lets Plays, I was instantly addicted.
I never thought someone shared the same interest as me, or even upload videos of it. I spent months trying to figure out software but once again, and I was clueless on software and the internet. Finally, I found this handy tool called Fraps. It would record my voice and record my game play at the same time. Starting off I did not produce videos with the most spectacular quality but it instantly became my hobby. I never once thought I would get where I am today. I simply thought it was for my viewing and no one would take the time to subscribe and watch my videos. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be where I am today.
Being that, I tend to focus on the game that started it all ‘The Sims’. I produce lets plays for expansion packs releases. I wasn’t around for them all but will surely complete all of them. I also tend to produce videos that share the new sets from The Sims 3 Store and current game play. I do plan on filming other game play in the future. Nonetheless, Sims is currently my number one focus.
In the end, my channel is a pretty happy place. Its a place that I hope everyone can come to, and have a good time. I am just a typical teenage girly gamer that enjoys sharing her commentary. You can check my channel links down below if you feel like joining the community.
YouTube Channel :
Twitter :
Website :


