Introducing SimsVIP Video Game Guides!

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I have been working on this amazing addition for a few weeks now, and today I can finally introduce a new way for readers to experience SimsVIP Game Guides: Video Guides. I will be taking important sections of our Game Guides and detailing everything you need to know through video gameplay.

About a month ago I asked followers on Twitter to tell me what types of videos they would like to see on our YouTube channel, and reader L-P Roberge suggested video guides. After careful consideration, I decided that bringing portions of the guide to life would be a great addition to both the site and YouTube Channel.


Video Game Guides are something I am very excited to continue, and I would love to hear your feedback on them. Please keep in mind that these video guides are unscripted, so there will definitely be plenty of bloopers and unexpected occurrences. Here to start off our Video Game Guide process is The Sims 3 Island Paradise Mermaid Video Guide. Enjoy! 🙂



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