Polygon Talks The Sims 4 And Human Reflections

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The sims are the ultimate expression of transhumanism, their fundamental, constant transformations powered by both technology and a reflection of how real humanity is changing.
Like the first children of the Twitter generation, of Internet submersion, the avatars of The Sims 4 won’t just be able to multitask, they’ll be better for doing so.
When a sim in the world of the upcoming, latest version of the computer game, multitasks, they’ll be able to build twin skills, both at the regular rate.
The game “has to feel natural and make sense for who we are as human beings today,” said Rachel Franklin, VP and Executive Producer for The Sims 4.
That means they can, for instance, eat and talk at the same time or exercise and chat, or watch TV and text.
Where the original Sims was based on the concepts of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a psychological breakdown of human motivation often depicted as a pyramid, increasingly The Sims is weaving nuance into those ideas.
“At the beginning, The Sims was about needs,” Franklin said. “How are you going to manage your time to satisfy your needs, get more money to buy better things. We’ve evolved the sims over time, over generations.”



