Site Update: Project Schedule

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Hi everyone! As I mentioned on September 10th, I am in the middle of a big move to Florida. I am now at T minus 3 weeks before I’m completely on my way, but in the meantime, I want to update you on the “project schedule”.
This entire week consists of packing, packing, and some more packing. Aside from packing taking up all my time, I’m also knee deep in end of the month (September!) work. So, any free time I have this week goes directly to packing up my things. (I never knew how much junk I collected for 28 years!) 😛
On to the schedule….As you know, Midnight Hollow was released almost two weeks ago, and while I did put up some gameplay videos, I still have to complete the World Guide. The written world guide on Midnight Hollow is my project for this weekend. It will be complete by Sunday October 13th. For sure. No if, ands, or buts. 🙂
After Midnight Hollow, comes a week of more packing, work, packing, and some more work. Next week will be especially busy for me as I need to have all my real work done so I can start on project #2: The Sims 3 Into the Future Guide.
I will be working on the guide from the time I receive my game (October 22nd), until I make my final journey to Florida (November 3rd). During that time, I hope to have a good chunk of it complete, so I can open the guide up to readers.
From November 6th-12th, I will be unpacking and getting settled in my new home, so that is one week of no guide writing. Once that is all squared away, it is nothing but Into the Future Guide until December.
This is just a quick update on my upcoming schedule, so thank you for being understanding and patient. Most of all, thank you for reading my rambles. 😉
