SimGuruArgus: 5 Things I Love to Do in The Sims

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Via The Sims 3 Community Blog

The world of The Sims is a broad canvas where you can paint any picture and tell any story you wish. We thought it would be fun to discover how the developers play their own game. This is the first in a blog series where they talk about how they play. We’ve also included a link at the bottom to the pack where you get the ability to do the things they do, or create your own ways to play.
I consider myself a bit mischievous when it comes to playing The Sims. For me, I always try the things I wouldn’t do in my day-to-day life, but live out those moments with my Sims. Granted, it doesn’t always play out the way I envisioned in my head, but I always enjoy the outcome. Here are five things I love doing again and again in The Sims:
♦ Streaking – The wind in your Sims hair, the pixelated skin – who doesn’t get a good giggle when it comes to watching your Sims streak? When streaking was first introduced in The Sims 2: University and then reintroduced in The Sims 3 University Life, I never looked back. It quickly became my number one interaction with my Sims. What better way to make an impression in a new town then to strip off my Sims’ clothes and have them run through town? My Sims always throw the best parties, have an awesome time hanging out with the Jocks, and I never get tired of inspiring my Sims to have more fun.



♦ Drowning My Sims – I admit it. I drowned my Sims. That moment when I remove the ladder just to see what happens (for the 1001st time), makes me cackle like a mad scientist.



♦ Studying A Sim Brain – Again, I really love experimenting in The Sims. There’s no piece of equipment I like doing those experiments with more than the Cerebralizing Brain Enhancing Machine 2.0. It’s basically the cornerstone for my own version of a mad scientist’s lab I‘ve created in The Sims 3.


♦ 100 Baby Challenge – The creativity of our fans never ceases to amaze me. I never thought about doing something like this until I saw it on our forums, now I’ve done it twice! It’s simple, just take one Sim and try to have 100 babies. Doesn’t sound too hard until you try it, but boy is it fun.


♦ Juice Keg Stands – Party! This is more a personal thing for me, but watching my Sims do handstands on juice kegs really takes me back to my own college days and all those popular kid parties I couldn’t get into where they were doing juice keg stands and people were having fun and I was outside in the cold… I mean, I was in there with the cool kids, totally having fun!


There are things I have found to love in every one of The Sims 3 expansion packs, but The Sims 3 University Life holds a special place in my heart. It lets me get my Sims to do all the wild things I only dreamed of during my own university days. Maybe you could share your own highlights from The Sims 3 University Life as well.


