Community Spotlight: PiinkSim (YouTuber)

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Here to kick off May’s Community Spotlight, is YouTuber PiinkSim! In a brief introduction below, PiinkSim gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about her and her YouTube Channel. If you don’t already know who she is, you will now! Take it away PiinkSim!

Untitl12124124edHello everyone, I’m known as Piinksim on Youtube but I lot of people call me Natalie. On Youtube I make gaming videos, mainly Sims. I have been doing Youtube for over 2 years actually. My first Youtube upload was in January of 2012, but that is taken off my channel, I had a channel before Piinksim called “NatalieForeverPop”.
Youtube has basically been a part of my life for the longest time, I live and breath it. Whenever I’m out of town, I make sure videos go up and I’m always planning video ideas in my mind, it’s a lot of fun, a life away from my real life almost. I have been playing Sims since I was 7 years old. My best friend had the Sims 2 game and we played it for hours after school so we can blame her for my sims loving.
I stumbled upon Sims Youtube videos in 2011. Before I found LP’s, I was always into talking to myself while playing Sims, it was just a habit. I took it into something more when I made my first LP and put myself out there. Talking while playing this game has become natural haha.
I never thought that I would be here today, this much support and friends it is amazing. For now, I just go with the flow and see where my channel goes, it’s insane. I can’t see my life without Youtube, it just seems impossible. My channel is a place of fun and I’m just a typical teenager. I like being girly, but I also like gaming. I have my links listed below, join the fun if ya want 🙂


