The Sims 4: Mod Releases of the Week

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Each week we will will compile a list of mods that have been released to help make your gaming experience more pleasant and unique. Be sure to use The Sims 4 Mods Category Tag for future reference.

❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.
❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 
❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 
❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game

Lunar Surface Terrain PaintNew non-default terrain paint


Larger Interaction Queue – Allows you to have up to 10 actions in queue

Faster Gardening – Speeds up certain gardening tasks


Longer Efficiency Emotion PotionsIncreases moodlet time of Emotion Potions

No More Autonomous Phone Actions – Sims will no longer use their phone autonomously

Mask Mod – Allows you to use objects as hats and masks


Weekend HousekeepingAllows you to order housekeeping on weekend

Live Mode and Tab Mode Camera ModRemoves drift and increases camera range

No Auto PCPrevents autonomous use of PC


Daily Save Mod Makes a save to your game every Sim day

Autonomous Repairs Sims will autonomously repair broken objects and scavenge in trash piles

Expanded Head Size Range Increases the customization range of a Sim’s head


Breast AugmentationIncreases the customization range of Sim’s breasts

Glasses SliderIncreases the customization range of a Sim’s eye glasses

Expanded Facial Slider RangeIcreases the customization range of a Sim’s face


No More Autonomous Drink ActionPrevents autonomous use of fridge drinks

Fewer StalkbysDecreases the amount of random visitors to the active household

Menu EnablerEnables use of the Sim info panels when a Sim is away at work, school, or other lots.


New MoonsA selection of new moons for the game

Empty Worlds Empty versions of Willow Creek and Oasis Springs

