God Is A Geek Reviews The Sims 4 Get To Work

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Get to Work is the spiritual successor to other career-orientated expansions from previous generations of the series, namely The Sims 2: Open for Business, and The Sims 3: Ambitions. Players of either title will see a return of a few key features, brought forward into the modern era and either stripped down or greatly built upon. The ability to open retail stores was central to Open for Business, but in The Sims 4, the whole system is either hit or miss and seems to collapse under its own ambition. However, the interactive professions introduced back in Ambitions are expanded on immensely and given a home, taking your Sims to a fully-functioning workplaces where they can track down criminals, invent new man-eating cow plants or even deliver babies.

The Sims 4 Get to Work- Official Scientist Gameplay Trailer 0976

Three new careers are introduced in Get to Work: Doctor, Scientist, and Detective. Each have their own individual and expansive workplace to explore, introducing a wholly interactive experience that surpasses that of professions in Ambitions. Job performance is measured by completing career-related tasks such as delivering medication or visiting crime scenes. The higher the performance, the more money your Sim will take home, and the more experience they will gain towards a promotion.



