Site News: Reorganization of Content and Category “Blocks”

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Hey everyone! As we mentioned with the launch of the new site design, we are always updating and finding ways to make your experience on the site better by the day. Today’s update goes over the changes made to the “content blocks” displayed on the front page.

To better serve our readers with exactly what they’re looking for, we have reorganized what displays in each of the 4 content blocks on the front page. Here is a breakdown of the new structure that has been put in place:


• Latest News Block – The “latest news” block will now only display the latest news from The Sims franchise,, and the weekly Gallery spotlights. This helps keep the news section “clean” and easier to read. Do note that this block now heavily depends on official news from EA, so when there are bouts of silence, this block will tend to be less active than other content blocks.

• Original Content Block – The “original content” block will now display all non-official articles crafted by our talented staff. This helps keep official and non-official news separated, while also preventing the display of multiple articles throughout the front page. Note that our staff members are always releasing articles, so this content block is likely to be updated even when the “latest news” block is dead.

• Guides and Tutorials Block – The “guides and tutorials” block will now only display game guides and tutorials directly related to the game. This means that any “series” tutorials and guides crafted by our staff, such as adelaidebliss’ “Out of the Box” series, will only display in the “original content” block. In short, you will only find official SimsVIP guides and tutorials in this section moving forward.

• Latest Mods and Custom Content Block – This section will remain the same, displaying the weekly Mod and Custom Content showcases.

We are always looking for ways to improve our site experience here on SimsVIP, so if you ever have any feedback, questions, or concerns, don’t hesitate to let us know. 🙂

