Community Spotlight: TheSimsBoi (Creator)

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Here to kick off SimsVIP’s November Community Spotlight is long-time community member TheSimsBoi! In a brief introduction below, Kevin gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about his involvement within the community. Take it away Kevin!

Untitl12124124ed Sul Sul! I’m TheSimsBoi, but feel free to call me Kevin. I’ve been hooked to the Sims since the very beginning. I was in 5th grade when a few friends of mine talked about the Sims. They described it as a game where you control characters, build houses and fulfill their dreams. I was intrigued right away and found myself robbing the piggy bank to get the base game.
The first time I played the Sims I played for almost 8 hours straight. I was hooked, I could not get enough of Bob and Betty Newbie. At the time they were my Sims of choice, but once I really got into the game I was on the Sims Resource downloading all kinds of custom content. My ancient computer didn’t really appreciate the Sims as much as I did, but that’s a story for another time.


When the Sims 2 came out, I begged my mom to get a newer computer so that I could play the game without so many hiccups. There were still hiccups, don’t get me wrong… but the hiccups weren’t as prevalent as they were on the ancient Windows 95 machine. Experiencing the Sims 2 when it was the new IT of the series was just absolutely incredible. I am so grateful that I got to play what I think is the best game of the series. The Sims 2 really transformed the Sims as we knew them. Gosh I miss the good old days, but we must live for the now right?

I’m the kind of guy who loves to push the envelope and try new things. I don’t like being told that I can’t do something, because I believe that we can do anything that we put our minds to. If you’re passionate about something, just do it. Don’t worry about the outcome. Don’t worry about whether others will like it or not. Just do it. I had to tell myself this over and over again when I started making my machinima series, the Real Simwives of Starlight Shores.

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When the machinima premiered on YouTube I was a complete amateur at machinima making. I had no freaking clue what I was doing, but I was doing it. Little did I know that the show would turn out to be one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. The Simwives changed my life. Before the Simwives; I was completely lost. I was walking a path that was full of dead ends. I didn’t know who I was, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, I was a mess. Doing the show changed everything for me. I found my confidence again, I met so many wonderful people in the Sims community and for the first time in a long time… I was happy. The Sims did all of this for me.


Now-a-days you can find me engrossed in the world of the Sims 4. I cannot believe that the Sims has been around for almost 16 years. 16 years of plumbobing, grilled cheesy, Simstastic goodness. I hope that the Sims continues to live on. I want our future children to know and experience the Sims for themselves. *Gets down on his knees and prays to the Sims Gods* – “Please never take our Sims away from us.” The Sims is not just a game … to me, the Sims is everything. Long live the Sims!

Alexis, thank you very much for choosing me to do this. I am so grateful to have met so many beautiful people and be blessed with so many wonderful opportunities that the Sims has given me. I look forward to the future of the Sims. – TheSimsBoi



