The Sims 4: Sims Team Stickies Toddler Feedback and Discussion Forum

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After a disappointing announcement from The Sims team back in June 2014, many players have wondered if Toddlers will ever return to The Sims 4. Since that announcement The Sims team has been tight lipped about any plans for Toddlers in the future.

As of a few days ago, SimGuruDrake has “stickied” a thread by fellow Simmers, where they give feedback and ideas about what they would like to see should toddlers be made in the future. SimGuruLyndsay has also acknowledged the thread, giving many players hope that perhaps Toddlers are in the making, and they’re taking ideas from the thread.


If you have any input or ideas you’d like to share regarding Toddlers in The Sims 4, I would suggest heading over to this thread and leaving your feedback. The gurus are watching it!


