The Sims 4: June 2nd Patch Overview

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Along with Gender Customization, Unisex Clothing, and Same Sex Pregnancy, let’s jump into some of the smaller features added with the June 2nd Sims 4 game patch. This list was completed in collaborating with SimplyNando! (YouTubeTwitter)

Indoor Lighting Improvements – When playing with settings on Very High, you will see an improvement to the way sun (and moonlight) project into rooms through windows.

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Black Is The New Black? – Many modern base game windows and doors now include a brand new black color frame!
windowsanddoors windowsanddoors2

More Colors for Carpets – The Sims team added a bunch of new color options to the already existing carpets. In total they added six new carpet colors for each pattern!

New Wallpaper – We didn’t just get new colors for carpets but also a complete new wallpaper under the masonry section. Always wanted to build an even more industrial loft? Go ahead!

Plumbob Poster – New Patch, new poster. This time we’re getting another poster filled with plumbobs! Yay for plumbobs!
plumbob poster

New Chimneys! – There are some new color options for chimneys plus some new smaller ones.

Take a drink from the sink and ponder! – You can now drink a glass of water by using sinks and then use the “Ponder” interaction to decide if it is half full or empty!
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Wake Animation for Children – Children will now awake and look around around the room before getting out of bed.

New Food Icons – When viewing the Food your Sims wan to cook, you will notice that they look more clear and vibrant!
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