Site News: Join the SimsVIP Team! (Round 3)

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❗ Everyone who applied for a position on our team has now received a response. Thank you for your interest in joining the SimsVIP team!


In an effort to increase our support to The Sims community, we’re modifying our vision to keep aligned with our passion for The Sims. The Simming Community is a vast, expansive, dynamic, community and we are recruiting passionate individuals to help expand the amount of content we want to drive here at SimsVIP.

If you’re a die-hard Sims fan and love to write about your favorite game, this is your chance to join the largest Sims news site in the community. With over 1.5 million average monthly readers, SimsVIP is now expanding, and looking for experienced individuals to fill positions on the site. Details below.




Available Positions

Original Content Creators (Multiple Positions) – This position consists of writing unique and original pieces for The Sims series. Examples include “Top 10 Facts”, fashion/design articles, game tutorials, and other articles that integrate recent game releases. This is a daily/weekly position.

Expert Graphic Designers (Multiple Positions) – This position consists of creating high quality media assets for the site, PDFs, special graphics for our social media channels, and other unannounced projects. This position requires a high experience level to ensure quality.

NOTE: All content created for SimsVIP is property of SimsVIP.




SimsVIP wants to continue to establish an expert team, and there are some requirements and restrictions you need to be aware of prior to joining our staff. Please read carefully.


Active Participation – We’re looking for long-term individuals who can work on the site on a regular basis. We are not accepting applications for occasional and intermittent writers.
Reliability and Dedication – SimsVIP is looking to boast a solid staff that provides continuous updates. We require that you apply with the intent to dedicate time to fulfill your position on the site, and complete the projects you take on in a timely fashion.
We are human though, and understand that life gets the best of us sometimes. You will never be expected to put the site ahead of your life, but we do expect you to prepare for a hiatus, except in the case of emergency. We want to avoid project abandonment.
MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER – This restriction is in place for us to ensure maturity, reliability, and a hassle-free experience.
Experienced and Advanced writers only – To ensure the content produced on the site is of high quality, it is an absolute requirement for you to have above-average writing skills. Please provide RELEVANT (ie, Sims related) writing examples with your application. (If you do not have writing samples to provide, we may ask you to provide an on-demand writeup)
Average knowledge of HTML – While SimsVIP will help guide you through some of the basic HTML language on the site, it is required that you at least have an idea of what HTML is and how to use it.
WordPress Savvy – SimsVIP uses WordPress as the platform for writing content on the site, and it is expected that you have some common knowledge of how the platform works and how to use it.
Language – We are accepting applications from Simmers all over the world, but please keep in mind that SimsVIP is an English speaking website. We require that you are fluent in English, and that your writing skills reflect that.
Passion – To ensure the content you produce is created with the fans in mind, it’s important to us that you have great passion for The Sims and the content you write. We want you to give players content they will love, while also having fun.
Must own The Sims 4 and Some Additional Packs – The Sims 4 is the current installment of the series, so we require that you own The Sims 4, some additional game packs, and have above-average knowledge of the game. You should know much more about the game than the “average player”.

Note: In the event that you do not have experience with HTML or WordPress, that doesn’t necessarily disqualify you for that position. We’re willing to guide and train you if you’re willing to learn.


THESE ARE VOLUNTEER POSITIONS. I’d love to tell you that the positions pay a living salary, but at this time they do not. While SimsVIP does bring in revenue from advertising, it only covers the costs of our server, maintenance, and giveaways. But that doesn’t stop us from keeping our staff happy.


❗ NOTE: Abandonment & Inactivity will void any and all benefits listed below
SimsVIP’s PDF Game Guides – All new staff members will receive SimsVIP’s current PDF Guides as a welcome gift! Future guide access depends on participation.
Free Games – Individuals who dedicate at least 4 months of their time to the site will receive each new Sims 4 Expansion Pack for free going forward.
Community Events – In the event that EA hosts a community event in your country, and SimsVIP is invited to the event, we are more than happy to volunteer you as an attendee for the event. Community events are a great load of fun, and we only ask that you bring us back some news and video! (SimsVIP does not reimburse travel expenses unless otherwise arranged)
The Sims Swag – In the event we get our hands on a boat load of Sims Swag, we will be sure to send you some first!

If you are interested in becoming a part of SimsVIP’s team, send us an email with your position choice at [email protected] to apply. Please be sure to include your experience level, and provide us with enough information to determine if you are a qualified candidate. Many will apply, few will be selected. Serious inquiries only.


