The Sims 4 Takes the #6 Spot on Tumblr’s Top Video Games of 2016

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Tumblr has released a Top 20 Video Games list based on the fandometrics of the site. With the plethora of Simblrs that exist on the site for storytelling and custom content sharing, it’s no surprise that The Sims 4 takes the #6 spot. Here’s to moving up the charts in 2017!

2016′s Top Video Games

An indie game can beat out every major release this year. Take that, Big Game.

1. Undertale +1
2. Overwatch
3. Pokémon GO
4. Mystic Messenger
5. Pokémon Sun and Moon
6. The Sims 4


7. Fire Emblem Fates
8. Fallout 4
9. Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector
10. League of Legends +5
11. Kingdom Hearts −4
12. Dragon Age: Inquisition −7
13. Splatoon −5
14. Mass Effect −4
15. Life is Strange −4
16. Five Nights at Freddy’s −3 
17. Animal Crossing: New Leaf −8
18. Super Smash Brothers −12
19. Ace Attorney
20. Team Fortress 2 −2

The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
