Reddit User Shares Images of a Sims 4 Survey They Received

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Reddit user MissTiquelle has posted what they claim to be a survey they received for The Sims 4. This survey mimics the style of yesterday’s survey, but has a different set of content presented in English. Commentary and images below.

I’ve taken this survey, but it had different options for game pack & expansion pack ideas. It also asked about brands/celebrities I liked/associated with the sims and which occults I most wanted to play (witches, fairies, etc.).

It’s just a survey, the price is probably made up, it’s just floating ideas out there. Chill, don’t panic. I can upload all the screenshots if people care, but it will probably just cause more annoyance, as it’s just rumour-spreading.

Edit: Here is what I got – . Take it with a pinch of salt, it’s just a survey after all.

Hat Tip: TONZAOfficial

As always, without official announcements by The Sims Team regarding content, consider this to be a rumor until proven otherwise. 
