Community Spotlight: Brazen Lotus (CC Creator)

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Kicking off SimsVIP’s May Community Spotlight is talented Custom Content Creator Brazen Lotus! In a brief introduction below, BrazenLotus gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about what she does in the community. Take it away!

Hey guys! I’m BrazenLotus, a custom content creator here in the Sims 4 community. I’m a work from home mom who has never quite grown up and out of video games. I really like any game that lets me build and create like The Sims and Fallout 4, but I like to dabble in a good RPG here and there. The first Sims game I ever played was actually Sim City and playing that game eventually (through some well-placed advertising) led me to The Sims.


The Sims franchise has always been really therapeutic for me and has also provided an outlet for my artistic creativity. I’ve owned and played every pack and expansion for The Sims, The Sims 3, and now the Sims 4. I kind of missed the whole Sims 2 train but when life settled down a bit I ventured back into the franchise with The Sims 3 and have been playing off and on since.

Originally, creating content for The Sims 4 wasn’t something I was looking to do. It wasn’t until I started to build that I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to create the things I wanted without learning how to make custom content. Over the last 2 years I’ve been slowly making stuff for the game, learning as I go. Plasticbox’s work has really inspired me because it’s all Maxis-match and it saves a ton of space by making the new objects reference the in-game textures. I was like “Omg…if I make all my clutter like this I can have all the clutter I want and the game will never get slow!” Lofty goals, I know.

I’ve made a lot of clutter and objects that I’ve separated from the stuff in game like bottles, books, and decor. I especially like to come up with creative ways to use slots. In my Alpha Beta Phong modular closet set I added certain types of slots to allow you to hang clothes individually on hangers. This gives you a ton of customization options as well as allows you to create a clothing store where you can purchase clothing from the hangers and then take them home to put them in a closet of your own!


My goals when I make stuff for the sims is always to maximize space and make what’s already in game more functional or immersive. I also like to share other creator’s content on my Tumblr, most of which is Maxis-match, because I really like custom content that fits seamlessly in the game. I love to build but I usually don’t get a chance to share. It takes so much time to list all the custom content I use then prep everything for sharing I just can’t manage it, but I will occasionally post pics of what I build on Tumblr.

At the moment I’m working on a farmers market set that will expand on what’s in game and I’m also hoping to make the whole gardening system work better with the retail system with a couple of cool objects. You can always follow me on my Tumblr or on Twitter for a peek at what I’m currently working on.

Thanks Alexis for giving me the space to share a little bit about myself, it really is an honor. I also want to thank the Sims community for being so supportive and encouraging throughout my journey!




