Now YOU Can Have a Sims 4 Rock Climbing Wall of Your Own!

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Own The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff and love watching your Sims use the interactive Rock Climbing Wall? Wish you could have one for yourself at home? Then it’s time to grab your wallet and purchase the Climbing Wall Treadmill by Hammacher Schlemmer!

For just $9,950 USD, you can have this Sims 4 inspired climbing wall treadmill that provides a continuously revolving face! The wall adjusts from -20° to +5° from vertical, simulating overhangs and slab climbing in the comfort of your own home! (Fire Jets optional.) 😉


Once you finish watching the demo video above, send a thank you over to SimsVIP reader Rhazya for finding this real life Sims 4 Rock Climbing Wall and sending it our way!
