The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs: Complete List of Pet Traits

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The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion includes unique traits for both Cats and Dogs. Below is a complete list of Pet traits you will be able to choose from in the game.

❗ Check out our FULL Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Game Guide for more information on Pets!



AffectionateThese cats really love their owners. They'll try to stick close to them whenever possible. (Conflicts with Aloof)
AloofThese cats don't really need owners, they're just here for the free food. (Conflicts with Affectionate)
CleverThese Cats are fast learners, and some say that they can even understand Simlish when spoken to!
CuriousThese cats are more curious about their surroundings. They like to search different objects around the house.
FluffyThese cats are more fluffy than normal! They'll hack up hairballs more often.
Free SpiritThese cats enjoy wondering around the world, almost as if they were wild animals! But don't worry, they'll always come home for the food.
Friendly These pets tend to be friendly to other Sims, and will happily greet other Sims around them. (Conflicts with Territorial)
FriskyThese cats are more active than other cats. They really like to pounce and run around. (Conflicts with Lazy)
GluttonThese pets will eat significantly more often, and much more messily!
LazyThese cats really enjoy their catnaps. They also are less likely to jump from place to place since it takes too much effort. (Conflicts with Frisky)
Mischievous These cats are always up to no good! They will often misbehave, and can even be encouraged to do so.
PlayfulThese pets love toys and want to play all the time, even when they're not excited.
Prowler These cats enjoy prowling around the neighborhood. Send them out and they might come back with something they found.
Skittish These cats are scared of everything. Okay, well, almost everything. They also like to hide a lot.
SpoiledThese cats are spoiled creatures. Scolding them hardly ever changes their behavior.
TalkativeThese cats love to yowl along with other Sims. They'll even try to sing upon request.
TerritorialThese cats are fairly protective of their territory. They will be aggressive to anyone new they meet. (Conflicts with Friendly)



ActiveThese dogs are very energetic. They really like running and enjoy frequent walks. (Conflicts with Couch Potato)
AdventurousThese dogs will sometimes leave the house to go on solo adventures, but are also happy to go on an adventure with their owner.
AggressiveThese dogs will be more hostile when greeting others, and might attack others unless properly trained. (Conflicts with Friendly)
Couch PotatoThese dogs are low-energy creatures that like to relax and unwind with their owners, rather than run around. (Conflicts with Active)
Friendly These pets tend to be friendly to other Sims, and will happily greet other Sims around them. (Conflicts with Aggressive)
GluttonThese pets will eat significantly more often, and much more messily!

HairyThese dogs will leave hair piles laying around. Brush their fur to keep things tidy!
HunterThese dogs are natural hunters. Send them off into the world, and they'll hunt and dig for things.
Independent These dogs are less likely to need constant affection and can even walk themselves. (Conflicts with Loyal)
JumpyThese dogs are easily frightened, and like to hide more often. They will often shy away from things like fights.
LoyalThese dogs want to be closer with their owners and love to be pet. They like to follow their owners around. (Conflicts with Independant)
PlayfulThese pets love toys and want to play all the time, even when they're not excited.
SleuthThese dogs are naturally more curious and like to investigate different objects around the house.
SmartThese bright dogs are easier to train and pick up tricks quickly. They might even understand Simlish!
Stubborn These dogs don't like being told what to do. Scolding them doesn't do much to change their misbehavior, but you can try begging them to stop.
TroublemakerThese dogs are always up to nothing good. They will often misbehave and can even be encouraged to do so.
VocalThese dogs like to howl occasionally, and can even sing on command.
