The Sims 4: DEBUG Search Text Changed With The Last Patch (UPDATE 12/12/17)

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UPDATE: The December 12th Game Patch has reversed this change, and items can once again be found by using “DEBUG”.

Original article below…
If you’ve been trying to find items using the buydebug cheat using “DEBUG” in the text box and have come up short, SimGuruNick has confirmed that this was changed with the last game patch. Instead of searching for “DEBUG” in the text box, use “Unknown” to bring up the list of items. For info on using these cheat, see here.

This cheat is not to be confused with Career Rewards cheat which unlocks reward objects for careers. To unlock those objects, use bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement.


❗ NOTE: SimGuruNick confirmed that “unknown” has been localized in all languages, so if you play in a language other than English, use your country’s word for “unknown”. 

❗ DEBUG may still work in some games due to a bug. Try repairing the game to see if that corrects the issue. If not, then be happy you don’t have to change words. 😛 

I’ve asked SimGuruNick to provide us with a list of the words international players can use to bring up these items, but until then, if you have confirmation of which word works in your game, please provide it to us so we can keep a running list. Thanks!



English – Unknown

Chinese (Traditional) – 未知的


Danish – Ukendt

Dutch – Onbekend

Finnish – tuntematon

French – Inconnu

German – Unbekannt

Italian – Sconosciuto

Japanese – 不明


Norwegian – Ukjent

Polish – nieznane

Portuguese – Desconhecido

Russian – Неизвестно

Spanish – Desconocido

Swedish – Okänd

