The Sims team has recently been changing cheat text in the game, and most notably since the Cats & Dogs patch, many players have reported that the current relationship cheats are not working as they once did. Today, SimGuruNick has let us know that the Friendship cheat has been changed from the original “Friendship_Main” text to the following:
• modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe 50 LTR_Friendship_Main
• modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe -50 LTR_Friendship_Main
He has also given us the cheat for Sim to Pet relationships, and we have tested and confirmed that they do indeed work. Note that Pets must have a last name in order for these cheats to work properly. Here are the Sim to Pet cheats:
• modifyrelationship John Doe Pet Doe 50 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
• modifyrelationship John Doe Pet Doe -50 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainÂ
We have updated our Sims 4 Cheats Page to reflect these changes, and have added the new skill cheats and vet clinic perk cheats as well.