Home Street Game: New Game Features, Season’s Greetings, Pets, & More Begins Today!

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The Home Street Team will bring players a number of updates starting today, adding new features and events for December. Starting today, players will receive a new game update with community requested features, the Season’s Greetings update, Pets, and more! Hop into the game to enjoy the new holiday themed environment and decor items!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Peace, Joy, and Happiness are fluttering about Home Street like a cascade of glittering snowflakes in our Season’s Greetings update and there’s SNOWBODY better to spend this magical time with than your Neighbors! Put a wreath on your door and welcome the festive winter holidays with Xmas Trees, Snow Tiles, Santa Statues, & more decorative items. Celebrate happy HOLLY DAYS with your Neighbors in the Season’s Greetings Neighborhood Event. Grab a cup of hot chocolate, sit down by a crackling fire, and keep reading for more Season’s Greetings details!



Important Dates

  • New Game Features – Dec 4th
  • Season’s Greetings items in shops – Dec 7th
  • Pets – Dec 7th
  • Season’s Greetings Decorating Contest – Dec 10th
  • Season’s Greetings Event starts – Dec 15th
  • Season’s Greetings Event ends – Dec 27th
  • Season’s Greetings items leave shops – Jan 3rd
  • Season’s Greetings Decorating Contest ends – Jan 8th


Game Update: December 4th

  • PETS are here! We have 5 breeds of CATS and DOGS to choose from: Labrador and German Shepherd dogs; House, Persian and Toyger Cats! Pick your favorite and develop a bond with them! (from Dec 7)
  • Too many thoughts or products in your inventory? DISCARD ITEMS FOR FREE to free up your storage!
  • Brand new DRESS category for ladies and lots of new clothing to choose from! (from Dec 7)
  • Due to popular demand, CHOOSE ANY OUTFIT as your MAIN OUTFIT
  • Need help with a Job? You can now REQUEST for items from your Neighborhood friends and they can GIFT you those items!
  • New SEASON’S GREETINGS EVENT and items during December. NEW QUESTS: Can you help Santa save Christmas?
  • New FASHION EVENT and items during January. NEW QUESTS: Elsa has some trouble with her fashion line (and her ex-lover!), can you help her out?
  • As a thank you to the community, we have a special FREE GIFT with 10 gems and 4 amazing exclusive items for you! Just return in 24 hours and you’ll be able to claim this!
  • To prevent accidental spend, you now will be prompted to tap again if try you spend vouchers, tokens or more than 20 gems at once.
  • A new Interactive Player Guide is now available for players who need some suggestions for what to do in the game. You can turn these off in the Settings.
  • You can now customize your notification options in the Settings menu.
  • If you’ve had difficulties with accessing Neighborhood chat, good news, this should now be fixed for you!
  • Improvements to tutorial and customization screen.
  • Background timeout refresh time decreased. Instead of every 5 minutes every 30 minutes.
  • Improvements in regards to the game crashing for some devices.

Almost all of these changes were implemented due to community feedback – thank you SO much for your feedback and all the support, and keep it coming! If you like the game, please consider giving us a positive rating on the app store!



Season’s Greetings – Dec 7th – Jan 3rd

Bring cheer to your Home Street Home this festive season! Let the spirit of the holidays gently fill your heart and home with the new upgradeable interactive Xmas Tree. Spend frosty days in the Neighborhood and create warm memories with brand new items such as Rudolph Garden Statue, Snowman, Stack of Presents & more decorative items! Make the most of any special occasion this December with all new Season’s Greeting clothing including Xmas Jumpers as well as Elf and Santa outfits & MORE!



Season’s Greetings Neighborhood Event – Dec 15th – Dec 27th

May the holiday season bring the comfort of home, the closeness of friends, and the unity of your Neighborhood! ‘Tis the season to be jolly by making Joy, Presents, Festive Dinner, & MORE to earn event-only rewards and for your chance to win a Season’s Greetings trophy with your Neighborhood!



Workstations: Elf Merchant, Toy Making Station


Thoughts: Yuletide Spirit, Joy, Positivity

Products: Wrapping Paper, Teddy Bear, Toy Train, Greetings Card, Pine, Presents, Festive Cracker, Festive Dinner, Gingerbread Men, Candle Decoration

Check out our Neighborhood Events help guide for more info & tips: http://bit.ly/2wX9SzI


Pets – Dec 7th

A house is not a home without Pets! New Cats & Dogs are on their way to Home Street. Find House Cats, Persian Cats, German Shepards, Toygers, and Labradors in the shops from Thursday, December 7th. Select a pet, choose a color, and name them!


Neighborhood Gifting

Gift items to your Neighbors! In the Season’s Greetings update, we are bringing you the ability to DONATE items to your Neighborhood friends! Enter your Neighborhood Chat, tap on the new Neighborhood Gifting Tab, and select the item and quantity to donate or request.


Housewarming Gift

24 hours after completing the Home Street tutorial, a Housewarming Gift icon will appear at the side of your game screen where you can collect 4 exclusive new items for your home! You’re going to love these amazing gifts, simply tap the gift box icon in order to claim them!



More Free Clothing Available

Check out the wardrobe for more free starter clothing! There will also be some new clothing at higher levels available for currency. Be sure to tap on the wardrobe to see the new styles and color options that are new to the game for your character to wear!


New Outfit Category in the Wardrobe

Make the holidays sparkle with beautiful new dresses for female characters! The all-new Outfit category is where you will find these dresses and, in the future, more complete outfits for both male and female characters.


Ability to Set Default Outfit

Set a default outfit for your character! This all-new feature based on community feedback will allow you to choose the clothing that your character wears as you play the game. When your character sleeps or showers, they will still briefly change clothes then change back into your choice of default outfit following that activity. Tap “Set as main outfit” to set your clothing preferences.



New Interactive Player Guide

Ever been stuck in the game? Tap the new Guide icon for a brand new interactive player guide! The player guide includes a list of tips and how-tos that will ensure that you’ll always know what to do next on Home Street.


Ability to Remove Items From Inventory​

You asked for it! The ability to Remove Items from your Inventory is new to Home Street in our December update. Discard unwanted thoughts and products to easily free up more space in your storage. Don’t want to discard your items? You will also have the option to tap a button to put your item for sale on the Market.


Season’s Greetings Decorating Contest – Dec 10th – Jan 8th

Our very first decorating contest begins this month! Show off your festive home designs in the Season’s Greetings Decorating Contest starting Sunday, December 10th. We are accepting your best holiday entries through Monday, January, 8th.

Winners will receive prize packs including gems, coins, and vouchers and MORE! First place will also receive their choice of Pet and 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive Functional X-mas Trees along with their currency prize packs! There will be 10 winners total so be sure to enter your Season’s Greetings Home Street Home photo for a chance to win one of the amazing prizes.



Other Important Dates January

Fashion new decor and clothing items – January
Fashion update – January
Fashion Neighborhood Event – January
New Stories – January

