The Sims 4: Mod Releases of the Week

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Each week we compile a list of mods that have been released to make your gaming experience unique. Be sure to use The Sims 4 Mods Category Tag for future reference.

❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.


❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 

❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game.

❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game


Juice Maker – Adds a functional Juice Maker to the game

Juices #1 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices #2 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices #3 – Adds custom drinks to the game


Juices #4 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices #5 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices #6 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices #7 – Adds custom drinks to the game


Cakes w/Ingredients 9 – Adds custom recipe to the game

Bird Flock Spawner – Seagull (Interactive) – Interactive Seagull Spawner

Autism Spectrum Disorder Trait – Adds a custom trait to the game

Kids can Walk Dogs – Allows children to walk the dog


Astronaut Work from Home – Enables the “work from home” option for the astronaut career

Hug/Kiss/Show Video Pre-Greeting Greeting – Wipes out as many of the endless little empty social greeting interactions that Sims do these days as possible


Vampire’s Foods More Bloody and Appetizing – Makes changes to Vampire food in the game

Longer Sicknesses Mod – Increase the length of symptoms based on the illness type


Sleepless Trait – Adds custom trait to the game

Dissociative Identity Disorder – Adds custom trait to the game

Unlisted Phone Numbers – Sims that you haven’t exchanged numbers with will not call to bother you because they don’t know your number

Less Annoying Return to Lot – Lowers the threshold from 50% to 95%, so that only sims who are severely in the red with their needs will return to the lot


Vampire Reflection Enabled – Makes it so that Vampire reflections in the mirror are enabled

Hidden Club Traits and More Members – Activates several of those hidden traits to be used when designing Clubs

Slower Motive Decay – Changes the motive decay system

No Inappropriate Family and Friends – Takes the functionality of the “Always Welcome” trait and expands it to other types of relationships, allowing you to cook, shower, and sleep over at another Sim’s house as much as you like



Less Waving Goodbye – Alters the ‘Broadcaster’ which requires all sims on the lot to wave goodbye to all other sims who are leaving the lot

Shimrod’s Confident, Pregnant and Energized Walks Disabled – Disables the Confident, Pregnant & Energized Walk

No Autonomous Reading – Stops Sims from autonomously reading/analyzing books

Better Birdwatching – Improves your birdwatching experience using the birdfeeder that comes with the Backyard Stuff Pack


Fairies Mod V1.5 – Adds fairies to the game

Improve Logic Skill (Away Action) – Allows Sims to gain logic skill while away

Mute the DJ Booth – Various changes to the DJ Booth volume

Higher Cost Aspiration Rewards – Makes Aspiration Rewards more expensive by doubling (2X) the cost of ALL aspiration rewards in the store


More Traits for Kids – Unlocks additional traits for Kids

Allergic to Fur Trait – Adds a custom trait to the game

Faster Gain and Loss Character Value – Changes the gain/loss speed of character values

The Sims 4 Voices: Effects – Adds the ghost, alien, or grim reaper voice to Sims


100% Cloning Machine Chance – Alters the cloning chance to 100%

Sims 4 Shopaholic Trait – Adds custom trait to the game

FIX: Hides the Lovelorn Tense Moodlet – Fixes a bug with the Lovelorn Tense moodlet

Banking System – Adds a full financial system to the game
