Could Witches be coming to The Sims 4 soon? (Speculation)

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It is known for most simmers that the game producers usually hide a few hints of upcoming content in objects descriptions, as well as visual clues to CAS items or even new worlds that nod at what we’ll be getting in the future.

With the recent The Sims 4 Laundry Day release, there seems to be a pattern of mentions of witches and magical content, as Twitter user Steve Storm notices.


These could just be a coincidence, but seeing how they included hints in the past (i.e. for Pets) it makes us wonder if they’re trying to tell us something.

Witches and magic have a long history with The Sims franchise. It all started back in 2003 when EA released Makin Magic as the final Expansion Pack for the original The Sims game. five years later, The Sims 2 let players play as a proper witch for the first time with The Sims 2 Apartment Life (2008). And finally, The Sims 3 included these supernaturals in… well, The Sims 3 Supernatural, which came out in 2012, as well as it had a few magic related items in The Sims 3 Store.

Since there’s a wide popular demand for more magic in the game, it would not be a surprise if witches were to come, whether in a Game Pack (like Vampires) or even an Expansion Pack in the future.


Until any confirmation from The Sims team, this is all nothing but speculation. We’ll be happy to report any other hints we can find about magic/witches, seasons or any other kind of content that they might be coming in the future.

How would you like these themes to be developed in The Sims 4? Let us know in the comments below!
