Community Blog: 5 Terrible Dates as Told by The Sims

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The Sims team has released a Valentine’s Day blog

Happy Valentine’s Day! Ah yes, what a sweet holiday. It’s that day of the year where the demand for heart-shaped beds suddenly spikes and classrooms look like they’re straight out of a novel called Fifty Shades of Pink. We truly wish that you have the Valentine’s Day of your dreams, but some of us are still stuck in reality.

Look, we’ve all been on a terrible date. Whether it’s awkward small talk, food stuck in your date’s teeth, or just a complete lack of chemistry, nobody enjoys these dates. Well at least, not when it’s you. But, what if it’s your Sims?


Living through endless bad dates seems like the perfect way to torture these often-abused digital creatures.
Since we’re really feeling the Valentine’s Day spirit, we went out of our way to play through five terrible dates so we could share these no good, very bad experiences with you. Strap in.


A Bear-y Big Problem


When you ring the doorbell and your date answers the door in a bear costume, complete with dead eyes. The line in their personal ad about “loving hibernation” makes a lot more sense now.


Leisure Suit


When you head to the ruins for a romantic swim, and your date insists on wearing his birthday suit. Maybe bear-costume guy isn’t so bad, after all.



Life of the Party


When the date is going pretty well – that is until the music comes on, and your date insists he can beat anyone in a dance battle. That’s up for debate.


Into the Wild


When you’re viewing the stars together (ooh la la), and your Sim goes in for a kiss. Just then, he runs off to poop in a bush!


There’s Always Next Year


When you give up and agree to have a root beer with the guy in a bear suit.

Of course, this is just one Sim’s experience, but we’re sure you’ve seen worse. If you happen to be in the spirit of giving, please feel free to share your terrible date stories. I’ve got popcorn.
