The Sims 4: Mod Releases of the Week

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Each week we compile a list of mods that have been released to make your gaming experience unique. Be sure to use The Sims 4 Mods Category Tag for future reference.

❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.

❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 

❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game.

❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game


Archaeology Overhaul – Changes progress at the Archaeology Table and Excavation Piles

Automatic Stereo System – Adds the ability to automatically turn a stereo on and off

First Love Mod for Children – Adds special interactions to a child’s pie menu

Working Elevators Everywhere – Adds the ability to add working elevators to a lot

Roomates Mod – Adds functionality for Sims to live with roomates


Random Small Mods – Set of three mods that add additional functionality to round tables, vets, and Sims who wake up

Functional Cell Door Mod – Allows you to purchase Police Station Cell Doors for your lot

Walk Through Grass – Allows base game and Jungle Adventure grass to become “walkable” by Sims

Moss Terrains – Adds mossy terrains to the game


Less Green PlantSims – Removes the appearance restrictions for PlantSims

Vampire Tweaks – Various changes to the motives of Vampires

Realistic Prices for Careers – Changes the default hourly wages for Careers

Updated Generic Lots Are Empty No More – This mod causes sims who are npc/townies to spawn when you visit a generic lot spawn as if its a regular community lot


Candle Making Mod – Adds a new functional candle maker object with custom gameplay

Realistic Prices for Collectibles – Changes the default values for collectibles

Tragic Clown Outfit Fix – Fixes an issue in the game where Tragic Clowns did not come “dressed in uniform”

Describe Flirty Dream Anytime – Removes the requirement of being at the Romance Festival so your sims can describe their flirty dream to their partner or any other sim anytime


Elegant Tombstone – Changes the default tombstone for Sims in the game

Criminal Can Swipe – Enables the Swipe interaction for sims who work in the criminal career

Painting Time Tweaks – Changes the default time it takes for Sims to complete paintings

Stop Vampire Growling – Various changes to Vampires in CAS and in game


More Phone Interactions For Children – Adds a number of interactions on cell phones for children

25 Vacation Days (School) – Changes the default school vacation days from 3 to 25

Stop Boxing Delay – Changes the default delay time between boxing interactions

Less Frequent Laundry Day Idles – Changes to the default laundry idles in the game


Low Fun Is Boring – Changes the mood on a low fun motive from tense/very tense to bored

Name Frogs and Live Aliens – Allows you name the collectible frogs and live aliens found in the world

Criminal Work from Home – Allows Criminals to work from home

Home Lot Visitors Stay Longer – Increases that time to either eight or twelve hours, depending on which you choose to use


Everyone Can Nap – Unlocks the “Nap” interaction for various types of chairs to those with any trait

Tuck in for Teen, YA and Adult – Unlocks the “Tuck In” interaction to be used on Teen, YA, and Adult

Enhanced Butt Slider – Adds an up/down dimension to the EA butt slider, allowing adjustment of butt height

“Selvadorada Mod” V1.0 – Retextured trees, plants, rocks, world objects and the structures, the trap objects and portal of temple


Barista Career (Teens) – Adds a custom career to the game

Manual Labor Career (Teens) – Adds a custom career to the game

Retail Career (Teens) – Adds a custom career to the game

Interior Design Career – Adds a custom career to the game


Daycare Career (Teens) – Adds a custom career to the game

Fame Career (Teens) – Adds a custom career to the game

Hairstyle Career – Adds a custom career to the game

Stylist Career – Adds a custom career to the game


Gender Lot Traits – Adds custom lot traits to the game

Hidden Temple Gate Entrance (Shortcut) – Adds an unlocked gate entrance to the game

Prince of Darkness Mod – Summon the prince of darkness to cast four spells when summoned via a book

Retail Eggs – Allows decorative eggs to be sold at retail


Family Portrait Liberated – Unlocks the Sims Mobile Family Portrait Reward

Vaping Mod – Adds vaping to the game

Hair Combing Mod – Allows Sims to comb their hair

Vacuum Cleaner Mod #1 – Allows Sims to vacuum with a custom object

Vacuum Cleaner Mod #2 – Version 2 of the Vacuum Mod


Shaving Mod – Allows Sims to shave in the mirror

Grow a Beard – Sims will grow a beard in stages and be allowed to shave

Laundry Day Icon Replacement – Changes the Laundry Day Stuff icon that appears on the main menu

Functional Animated Phonograph – Functional phonograph


Animated Floor Fan – Adds an animated floor fan to the game

Functional Ironing Board – Adds a functional Ironing Board to the game

Playable Drum Set – Adds a functional drum set for Sims to play


Animated Placeable Reptiles – Unlocks items not previously available in buy mode

Animated – Placeable Birds – Unlocks items not previously available in buy mode

Animated – Placeable Snakes – Unlocks items not previously available in buy mode


Hunger Bonus Increase from Harvestables – Increases the hunger fill on eating harvestable

Harvestable Apricot – Adds custom harvestable to the game

Harvestable Black Pepper – Adds custom harvestable to the game

Harvestable Fennel – Adds custom harvestable to the game

Harvestable Gillyweed – Adds custom harvestable to the game


Harvestable Gurdyroot – Adds custom harvestable to the game

Harvestable Mustard – Adds custom harvestable to the game

Harvestable Papaya & Pomelo – Adds custom harvestables to the game

Harvestable Coconut – Adds custom harvestable to the game


Harvestable Passionfruit – Adds custom harvestable to the game

Harvestable Green Apples – Adds custom harvestable to the game


Drink Beer and Be Funny – Makes a Sim “drunk” when drinking the beer

Bar Juices 1 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Bar Liqueurs 1 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Bar Wine 1 – Adds custom drinks to the game


Bar Mixed Drinks 1 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Bar Mixed Drinks 2 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices 10 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Juices 11 – Adds custom drinks to the game


Juices 12 (Harry Potter) – Adds custom drinks to the game

Beers 1 – Adds custom drinks to the game

Beer 2 (Harry Potter) – Adds custom drinks to the game

Spirits 7 – Australian Whiskey – Adds custom drinks to the game


Spirits 8 – Flavored Vodkas – Adds custom drinks to the game

Spirits 9 – Flavored Vodkas – Adds custom drinks to the game

Spirits 10 – Flavored Whiskey – Adds custom drinks to the game

Spirits 11 -Flavored Spirits – Adds custom drinks to the game


Liqueur 11-Ginseng Liqueur – Adds custom drinks to the game

Red Bull – Adds custom drinks to the game

Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 1 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 2 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 3 – Adds custom recipes to the game


Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 4 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 5 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 6 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Harry Potter 7 – Adds custom recipes to the game


Meats – With Ingredients 18 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Meats – With Ingredients 19 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Meats – With Ingredients 20 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Tins 1 – Adds custom recipes to the game


Snacks – Candy Tins 2 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Candy Bars 3 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Fruit Rollups 1 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Snacks – Fruit Rollups 2 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Desserts as Baking Mod – Places all desserts in the Baking Category


Aphrodite Aspiration – Adds a custom aspiration to the game

Complete Whims Aspiration – Adds a custom aspiration to the game

Cheaper Aspiration Rewards – Lowers to price to purchase Aspiration Rewards
