Broken Mods for June ’18 Patch/Seasons EP

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Θ No longer being updated, thank you for all of your reports! Θ

Note – If anything becomes re-broken with patch 1.44.83 (June 26th update), a note will be made in the Notes section next to the mod. However, the majority of mods should be just fine.

New Game Update 1.44.77 is out! Please backup saves before using any untested mod! With this patch, you should consider most of these mods broken, even if they say Unknown!

Here we’ll list the status of Mods (and CC if needed) in the community, all in one place for your convenience!


We’ll keep this list up-to-date until this patch becomes obsolete (usually about a month or when the next patch comes). Make sure to check the Featured post at the bottom to see mod status changes for the day!

♦♦  Before submitting reports please read the following ♦♦

→If reporting a mod as broken:

Please make sure your script mods are ENABLED! Also, please include the following information to make sure the list is as correct as possible:

  1. Name of Mod and Author (if known):
  2. How is the mod broken? (please be as specific as possible):
  3. It will be a great help to test the mod alone in your Mods folder to make sure that it’s not a mod conflicting issue. Have you tried testing alone, with NOTHING else in your mods folder?:

→If reporting a mod as working or updated:

Only need the Name of the Mod/Author.

NOTE – Only report CC if it’s not working as it did before the patch, if it’s working fine, there’s no need to report it.

Mods that change game play, please feel free to report either way.

If there’s a mod not listed, please feel free to comment with the mod name.

♦♦ Submit reports by commenting below or tag me on twitter @ScarletQueenKat ♦♦

Game Mods ♦ Traits ♦ Careers

General Mods/CC that WILL need updated:

  • Custom Careers
  • Custom Harvestables/Plants
  • Terrain Replacement Mods (Some may no longer be needed)

Broken CC:

  • Custom Counters (Some seem to be working, need more info) – Peacemaker’s are confirmed fine.
  • Custom Skintones – Red X over swatches (Some seem to be working fine)
  • Custom Windows – Looks like the glass is missing from outside
  • Custom Furniture (Some)

*Based on the majority of users reporting that all of their CC listed above are just fine, I believe these reports may just be user error. If you’re having issues, try re-downloading, then use Sims 4 Studio to run the batch fixes from Cats & Dogs.* 


Broken Programs:

Incompatible – These mods have been reported as broken! Therefore, to be on the safe side, please do not add them back to your game, they may need updated!

Updated – Theses mods received an update for the current patch. Re-download needed!

Compatible – These mods do NOT need an update, you can continue using them.

Reported Working – These mods have not been confirmed compatible, however, they’re being reported as working. They may or may not need an update.

Mixed Reports – These mods are working for some, but broken for others. Please test without any other mods installed and report back.

Unknown – These mods have not received any reports. Use at your own risk! If you can test them with no other mods installed and report, would appreciate it!

Obsolete – These mods are no longer needed or they’re broken and no longer being supported.

NOTE – If you are having an issue with a mod that is listed as Updated or Compatible, then you need to make sure you have the latest version! If you do, test the mod ALONE in your mods folder. If you’re still having issues, then you need to report it to the creator. If a mod is listed as Compatible

or Updated, their statuses will NOT be changed back to Incompatible without confirmation from the creator!

*Tables removed to prepare for next patch*
