The Sims 4 Get Famous: Sim Traits, Aspirations, and Lot Traits

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Thanks to numerous videos and info released today, we have gone ahead and provided a list of the new Aspirations, Sim Traits, and Lot Traits coming with The Sims 4 Get Famous.


Master Actress – This Sim wants to hone their craft and become an acclaimed actress.

World Famous Celebrity – This Sim wants to become illustriously famous.

Sim Trait

Self-Absorbed – These Sims are all about themselves! They can Fish for Compliments, are more excited when receiving a present, and may become tense when they haven’t gotten enough attention. The celebrity spotlight is something they generally relish. After all, everyone else should love them as much as they do themselves, right?


Lot Traits

Hottest Spot in Town & Up-and-Coming Hotspot – Both of these lot traits are exclusive to public lots and dictate how often celebrities will show up.

Celebrity Home – This trait is exclusive to residential lots, and even though any Sims can live on these types of lots, only top-tier celebrities will reap the benefits.
