The Sims 4 Get Famous: Celebrity System, Reputation, Fame, Perks, and Quirks

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I have put this article together using information from the various Sims Camp overview videos released on October 22nd. Much of the info is text from the tooltips. Five photos used in this article are from DotSimVixella, Rachybop, and EnglishSimmer.

The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion introduces the new Celebrity System. There’s several ways to become a celebrity, and as your Sim progresses, the more famous they become. This celebrity system is a mix between Vampire Ranks and Character Values.

Sims will perform actions that will decrease their Reputation, increase their Reputation, or keep them somewhere in the middle. Depending on which way they sway, several rewards and interactions will become available. According to many who played the game, behavioral reputations can swing back and forth or wane.


The Acting Career and Media Production Skill will help your Sims become famous and raise their celebrity level. Sims child and older can become famous, but children will not be able to go past a Two Star Celebrity. There are special interactions in the game marked with “fame” stars, all of which contribute towards celebrity status.

Celebrity and Fame is also optional. The Sims 4 Get Famous will include an options for you to completely turn off the Fame System completely. You can also see in the image below, there are several ways you can play with this. If you want your Sim to become famous, but do not want other Sims to gain fame, you can click the box and stop all fame progression.

Sims outside your current household will never gain fame, and will never lose fame if you choose to play with other households. When you return to your saved game, Sims will retain the same level of fame where you left off. You also have the option to “Quit the Spotlight” using the celebrity panel.


The stage is where all the actions happens. Sims can work their way up from Commercials to Movies and become an icon. Sims will begin their careers as extras and will eventually earn their place in a leading role. Sims who take on the Acting Career will need an Agency to represent them and get them into auditions. Each agency has their own benefits, and Sims can unlock additional benefits as they level up in their careers.

The career panel will display information about gigs and auditions. Sims can choose to work every single day, or take time off here and there. Auditions and gigs change daily, so it’s a good idea to check the list daily. Sometimes agencies will get you special access.

When performing scenes Sims have the option to “Play it Safe” or “Play it Risky”. Icons in the career panel informs you which of them help your Sim succeed during performances.


The Sims 4 Get Famous also adds the new Video Production Skill tied into the Video/Music Production stations. This skill allows Sims to unlock rewards along the way, and is a skill that allows Sims to create videos and songs for upload and distribution.

Sims can also use specialized streaming drones that also capture video. These videos can then be brought back to the video station to create and upload videos to the internet. Once you level up your Media Production Skill more songs and remix options will unlock on the Music Station, and more editing features unlock on the Video Station.

As your Sim becomes more famous, other Sims will start to take note. You may spot some Paparazzi following you around, and fans approaching you to take up your time. Your Sims will be able to host “Celebrity Meet & Greet” events, allowing you to select a time and day for the meetup. Once a Sim becomes a 3-star celebrity, they can even use the mirror to put on a “Celebrity Disguise”. This will allow famous Sims to be out and about without being recognized in public. (Think Vampire “Disguise”, but for celebrities)


The reputation of celebrity Sims shape how others interact or react to you. There are seven levels of reputation (Atrocious, Awful Bad, Neutral, Good, Great, and Pristine) and Sims will form their reputation based on the actions they take. Sims will have to go out of their way to negatively or positively change their reputation. Whether good or bad behavior, in most cases it must be observed in order for it to count towards a Sim’s reputation.

Sims who are “good” will form stronger friendships. Sims with a “great” reputation will be offered opportunities like job offers that let them start at higher career levels, and also the ability to form Romantic relationships at higher levels from the start. Sims will also receive a boost at social events earning rewards quicker and easier.

Sims with a “pristine” reputation will unlock the ability to host a Charity Benefit Party. This event unlocks new rewards. Friendships will last much longer and Sims around you have a positive reaction when in you presence.


To the contrary, Sims with negative reputations will unlock other types of rewards. Sims with a “bad” reputation will have a hard time making new friends. However, they will get along just fine with other Sims that have bad reputations or have the Evil or Mean traits.

Sims who are “awful” may get invited to attend a Lampoon Party, receive offers to become a criminal, or be introduced to others who are outcasts. Once a Sim becomes “atrocious” they can host their Lampoon Party and choose who you will roast. Making friends is usually hard with such a bad reputation, but you can also bribe other Sims for their friendship.

The reputation of a Sim can be affected by their fame. The more famous a Sim becomes, the faster their reputation can change. There are also certain fame perks that require a positive or negative reputation to unlock, so it may not be the worst thing to be mean to a few people. Lastly, a Sim’s reputation is never changed unless they are a current member of the active household.



Celebrity Perks

As a Sim increases their Celebrity Level, they’ll earn more Fame Points. Fame Points can be used to purchase Fame Perks, which provide powerful benefits to celebrities, and unlock new behavior, new interactions, and new opportunities for Sims. By acquiring perks, you can drastically alter your Sim’s path to stardom with different paths to becoming famous, and ways to earn fame faster. As a 5-star celeb you’ll be able to purchase different perks!

Most perks have requirements that must be satisfied before they can be purchased. Your Sim’s celebrity level will adjust which perks they’re allowed to purchase. More powerful perks require higher celebrity levels. To acquire higher tier perks, the lower tier perks in the same column must first be purchased. Some perks even require that your Sim’s reputation be at a certain level before they can be purchased.

There are 5 levels of Celebrity Fame: Global Superstar (5), Proper Celebrity (4), B-Lister (3), Rising Star (2), and Notable Newcomer (1)

Sims who lose celebrity levels may lose access to perks they previously had. When this happens, the perk will be removed from the Sim, and the Fame Points will be refunded. Fame Points are a Sim’s to keep. Sims can change their Fame Perks at any time. Using their cell phone, Sims can “Book a Celebrity Cleanse” to reset all their Fame Perks. All perks will then be removed, points will be refunded, and you will be able to select a new set of perks for your Sims.

Who’s Bad – Who’s bad? This Sim is bad, and everyone’s going to know it! Anytime they behave in a way that the public dislikes, they’ll lose reputation even faster. This bad behavior can quickly become a hallmark of this Sim’s public persona, resulting in any mischievous behavior to now cause them to gain fame.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Three Star Celebrity
    • Required Reputation: Bad


Play the Villain – This Sim’s awful reputation will become one of their defining characteristics! If the world views this Sim as a villain, a villain is what they’ll get. Performing Mean social interactions will increase this Sim’s fame, while nearby Sims will cheer his lousy behavior, often following up with requests for autographs and pictures.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Four Star Celebrity
    • Required Reputation: Awful
    • Required Perk: Who’s Bad


FeudBringer – With an atrocious reputation, fame to spare, and bridges to burn, this Sim can now stir up drama by starting a celebrity feud with any Sim not in his household. Once in a feud, this Sim can Blame For Feud – along with a variety of other mean things – to the other Sim’s face, Badmouth them on the computer, or give reporters looking for a sound bite exactly what they want. Keep the feud bubbling and the daily news will affect how this Sim is feeling, or get together with the target to End the Feud in-person.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Five Star Celebrity
    • Required Reputation: Atrocious
    • Required Perk: Play the Villain


Corporate Partnership– Uploads from the Video Station and Music Station will earn this Sim more fame than normal. In addition, this Sim’s influence will become a commodity that corporate brands covet as a means of reaching their target audience. This Sim will occasionally receive phone calls from a corporate ad agency, with a timed request to upload a video for an immediate bonus payment.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a One Star Celebrity


Influencer – As an influencer, this Sim will find themself building trust with an audience of loyal – and generous – fans. A variety of gifts from their audience will be regularly delivered in the mail, including everything from delectable baked goods, to valuable collectibles. It pays to be famous!

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Two Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Corporate Partnership


All-Nighter – This Sim will now be able to Pull an All-Nighter when tired, giving them the massive Energy boost they need to keep going for hours and hours without sleep. That’ll come in handy for the 24-hour Charity Streams this Sim can now host on the Video Station or Drone. Completing the day-long stream will reward them with a large amount of Fame and Reputation.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Three Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Influencer


Trailblazer – As a trailblazer, this Sim doesn’t follow trends, they set them. As such, any video they upload via the Video Station will always be considered trendy, leading to bigger payouts. Other Sims will also start to notice this Sim’s outfit. Don’t be surprised to spot Sims aping their style, and strutting through the streets in similar threads.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Four Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: All-Nighter


Lifestyle Brand – This Sim will be able to use a computer to launch and maintain their own personal brand, which can become a reliable source of daily revenue. Be sure to keep the product lineup fresh, as income will slow to a trickle if their brand doesn’t stay relevant with its target audience. This Sim can Enthuse about the brand with others, and may spot Sims out and about discussing the brand.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Five Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Trailblazer


Networking – Gaining the social prowess to deal with fellow celebrities, this Sim will be able to form friendships with more famous Sims and smooth talk their way from being acquaintances to friends quickly. This Sim’s networking talent also means any socialization with celebrity acquaintances will earn them fame, while socializing with higher level celebrities will earn even more fame.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a One Star Celebrity


PR Agency – Let a PR Agency help this Sim handle their image. A quick phone call to the agency can push a news story that’ll provide a boost in fame and a change in reputation – up or down! As a bonus, publicists know of the best parties around town, and can get this Sim on the guest list if he wants to make a new celebrity friend.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Two Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Networking


Fan Favorite – As a celebrity, this Sim will cultivate an army of fans that’ll be at their beck and call. They’ll be able to ask any fan to signal boost the fame or reputation of a household member of their choosing, whenever they like. They’ll also be able to strike a pose to dazzle nearby fans, causing them to faint for their own amusement.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Three Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: PR Agency


Instant Besties – Sims can’t help but be drawn in by this Sim’s charming personality. Greeting a Sim with a casual word and a beaming smile is enough for them to instantly feel at ease. With their rising fame and easygoing demeanor, it’ll be easy for this Sim to turn a stranger into an instant friend or lovebird!

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Four Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Fan Favorite


Squad – Whether they’re close friends or just close by, every celebrity needs an entourage. As a global superstar, this Sim can pick and choose their inner circle, and beckon them at their whim. Once summoned, squadmates will show up rocking the Sim’s outfit, ready to cheer him on. They’re also emotionally available should this Sim need a joke, some comfort, or just lavish praise.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Five Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Instant Besties


Noticeable – There’s just something about this Sim that makes them stand out from the crowd and make other Sims take notice. By honoring this aspect of their personality, there’s a chance that any single skill or career-based action from here on out may catch the public’s attention, giving this Sim an extra boost of fame.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a One Star Celebrity


CelebuSerum – As a celebrity, this Sim will gain access to an exclusive delivery service that’s only offered to the elite in society. Each day a new CelebuSerum potion will arrive in the mail. The potion might boost their needs or adjust their emotions. Either way, it’s guaranteed to increase the rate at which they increase their skills for a period of time!

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Two Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Noticeable


Established Name – People are starting to recognize this Sim’s name! Now, when they sell, publish, or license something that took skill to create, they will earn more money and increased royalties. If this Sim pursues an Acting Career, they’ll be able to bypass auditioning and immediately get offered the role. Further, once they show up on set, they can skip getting into costume, hair, and makeup, performing the scene in any old outfit with no penalty.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Three Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: CelebuSerum


Career Hopper – This Sim will enjoy certain benefits in the workplace thanks to their fame. When joining a new career, they will be hired at a higher starting position. They’ll also enjoy increased job performance and faster promotions, as bosses will want to keep their famous employee happy. Finally, should they decide to quit a career, they can always get re-hired with the exact same job title they left with.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Four Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Established Name


East Street – For someone as famous as this Sim, “work” is a bit of a misnomer. Their boss has doubled their paycheck and handsomely rewards the slightest effort they make. With all these perks, it’s hard to to end a workday feeling bad. This Sim will always arrive home from a shift at work feeling great, with positive emotional affirmations regarding what a fantastic day they had.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Five Star Celebrity
    • Required Perk: Career Hopper


Giving Back– This Sim’s good reputation has helped establish a foothold in the public eye as a charitable and kind celebrity. Having built his fame upon a bedrock of positivity, they will now gain reputation even faster. Additionally, Sims can now donate various objects from their home to their legion of fans. Each donation will gain him fame…the more valuable the donation, the more fame gained!

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Three Star Celebrity
    • Required Reputation: Good


Rally! – This Sim’s great reputation means other Sims trust them to provide worldly advice. As such, they can now give inspirational speeches about the secrets to success. Nearby Sims will gather and listen, enjoying a period of increased skill gain afterwards. 

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Four Star Celebrity
    • Required Reputation: Great
    • Required Perk: Giving Back


Star Treatment – This Sim’s fame and pristine reputation have other Sims stumbling over themselves to cater to their desires by providing them with free benefits! Free services! Free meals out! Free drinks, free massages, free temporary hires! And as an extra bonus, any time this Sim arrives at a venue, excited Sims will throw confetti to celebrate their arrival.

  • Requirements: 
    • Must be a Five Star Celebrity
    • Required Reputation: Pristine
    • Required Perk: Rally!

In addition to the Celebrity Perks available, there are also a set of Celebrity Quirks that the game will generate based on behavioral actions. There are specific triggers and behaviors that will generate these quirks on celebrity Sims.


Celebrity Quirks

As a Sim increases their Celebrity Level, they drift further from normal life. At certain levels, Sims will gain new Quirk Slots, which can be filled with Quirks based on the behavior they engage in. Once acquired, Quirks may be removed by using the Celestial Crystal Crown, or by drinking the Quirk-B-Gone reward potion. You are not able to permanently remove a quirk slot from a Sim.

No Touching! – Hates physical contact with strangers.

  • Trigger: 
    • (info not yet found)

Vain Street – Maintaining a gorgeous appearance is of peal importance to celebrities…you never know when a paparazzi is going to pop out and snap a shot after all. This can lead to an inflated ego, and mirrors become a necessary crutch to constantly reaffirm that, yes…they’re still gorgeous. Admitting their own reflection can instill a celebrity with confidence, but they also become anxious if they’re separated from a mirror for too long.

  • Trigger: 
    • Frequent use of Mirrors


Juice Enthusiast – Celebrities that are Juice Enthusiasts find themselves always wanting a drink of juice. If they don’t regularly drink juice, they’ll slip into foul moods, and will have a difficult time raising their Fun.

  • Trigger: 
    • Frequently drinking Juice


Emotion Bomb – When the world rotates around you, it’s easy to become the emotional center of your own universe. For these celebrities, anything angering will cause them to fly off the handle and become enraged. Anything that saddens them requires the world to stop as they struggle to process their feelings. These intense outbursts don’t last long…After working through an emotional meltdown, they’re back to acting as if nothing was ever wrong at all.

  • Trigger: 
    • Becoming Very Sad or Very Angry


Paparazzi Darling – Some celebrities simply adore being in front of the camera, and the paparazzi are happy to oblige. Celebrities that are Paparazzi Darlings will attract bigger crowds of paparazzi, they’ll love having their photo taken, and they may even earn positive reputation when their picture is taken.

  • Trigger: 
    • Being Friendly to Paparazzi


Refined Palate – With fame comes fortune, and with fortune comes an expectation for finer things in life. Such is the burden that some celebrities must endure. For these Sims, once they’ve gained a taste for the finest foods, there’s simply no going back to just any old meal. These celebrities will find eating food that’s of “Excellent” quality most delightful, but they’ll turn their nose up in discomfort when forced to swallow that’s “Normal”, or – dare I say – “Poor”.

  • Trigger: 
    • Eating “Excellent” Quality Meals


“Fan” Mail – Celebrities who open themselves up to the adoring public are occasionally in for a rude awakening, when they discover that not every Sim is a true fan. In reality, there are some Sims who actively dislike celebrities, and will make it a priority to ensure the target of their ire receives frequent “gifts” in the mail. Try not to take it personally.

  • Trigger: 
    • Celebrity socialization with fans


A Serious Actor – The acting studio is not the place for pranks or jokes, especially for an actor trying to evoke the right emotion during a dramatic scene. Such behavior frays on the concentration of actors, and eventually they snap. Anytime anyone attempts something funny or mischievous with a serious actor, they’ll show their anger instead of cracking a smile. They’ll hold everyone accountable for their professionalism on set, and anyone that steps out of line can expect to be the subject of a furious rant.

  • Trigger: 
    • Completing Dramatic Gigs in the Acting Career


A Stan! – Some fans take fandom a bit too seriously. These misguided Sims are known among celebrities as “stans”. Thankfully stans don’t mean you any harm, they just have a burning desire for you to know that you’re the center of their universe. Their behavior manifests itself in a variety of ways, from attempting to chat with you while out in public, to showing up at your residence and digging through your trash cans. Should you choose to invite one into your home, keep a close eye on them…They’ll always look for a chance to swipe a souvenir from their favorite superstar.

  • Trigger: 
    • Signing autographs for fans


Public Number – Celebrities with the Public Number Quirk have has their phone number leak, and must endure receiving text messages from various Sims each day. Some Sims are just thrilled to have the chance to contact someone famous. Other Sims are quick to express their dislike of the rich and famous. Regardless, everyone has an opinion…and they’re eager to share it.

  • Trigger: 
    • Using Social interactions on the phone


Phone Fanatic – Celebrities who are Phone Fanatics are addicted to checking their phones. Whenever they have spare time, you’ll likely find them tapping away at their phone’s screen. Occasionally, they’ll become Tense if they haven’t been entertained by their phone recently.

  • Trigger: 
    • Using a cell phone for entertainment


Brushes With Fame – For some celebrities, hobnobbing with the rich and famous becomes a way of life. They get sad if they spend too long among the general public, separated from other celebrities that they can actually relate to. They find themselves drawn to increasingly famous Sims, always seeking out of the companionship and personal touch of those who are – at minimum – equally as famous as themselves.

  • Trigger: 
    • Touching Celebrities with more Fame