How To Complete the Harvestfest Event in The Sims Mobile

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There’s a new quest in The Sims Mobile! The Harvestfest Event is now available for a limited time, giving players 6 days to complete the necessary steps that will reward them with the final “Pumpkin Spice Lovers” Relationship Story, and “Pie Rack” rewards. The event also grants “Pie Slices” for completing everyday and event related tasks.

Pie Slices are used to purchase items from the Bag of Plenty and Bountiful Gift Box. Both contain the same items, the only difference is that you have a choice of purchasing with Apples (250) or SimCash (75). More on this later in the post.


To begin this quest, select the “Quests” tab on the right side of your screen. If you do not see the “Harvestfest” event quest, restart your game.

The Harvestfest Event is marked with a multi-colored “Limited Time” banner

To complete the Harvestfest Event, you will have to complete 29 individual quests in the game. You will receive rewards and Pie Slices along the way (the new event related currency), and be rewarded with the “Pumpkin Spice Lovers Relationship Story”  and “Pie Rack” when you complete the final quest. Below is the list of quests (in the order they appear) that you need to complete, along with rewards and requirements.


How to Complete Each Quest (Info)

Tapping the info button on each quest lets you know what you need to do to complete each task. To access the special events, click the “Cornucopia” icon on the top right of your screen. You can easily attend special events in the game from there.

  • Quest #1 – Earn 25 Simoleons
  • Quest #2 – Place the Horn of Plenty from your inventory to collect Pie Slices
  • Quest #3 – Tap the couch & use “Look at Photos of Harvestfest Food” interaction
  • Quest #4 – Tap on a fridge and use the “Reorganize Contents” interaction
  • Quest #5 – Tap on bookshelves/couches to use the “Look for Recipes” interaction
  • Quest #6 – Complete an event
  • Quest #7 – Change your Sim’s appearance
  • Quest #8 – Complete the “Cozy Cheers at the Cafe” event
  • Quest #9 – Tap the fridge and use the “Write Down” interaction
  • Quest #10 – Tap on a counter and use the “Try Following Recipe” interaction
  • Quest #11 – Spend Pie Slices on a Bag of Plenty
  • Quest #12 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #13 – Complete the “Harvest Cooking at the Restaurant” event
  • Quest #14 – Tap on a counter and use the “Try Following Recipe” interaction
  • Quest #15 – Collect 1,200 Pie Slices
  • Quest #16 – Earn 1,000 Simoleons
  • Quest #17 – Complete the “Happy Feasting at Home” event
  • Quest #18 – Collect 1,200 Pie Slices
  • Quest #19 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #20 – Complete the “Harvest Cooking at the Restaurant” event
  • Quest #21 – Collect 1,200 Pie Slices
  • Quest #22 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #23 – Complete the “Cozy Cheers at the Cafe” event
  • Quest #24 – Collect 1,200 Pie Slices
  • Quest #25 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #26 – Complete the “Harvest Cooking at the Restaurant” event
  • Quest #27 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #28 – Tap on the bed and use the “Dream About Pie Recipe” interaction
  • Quest #29 – Tap on a counter and use the “Try Following Recipe” interaction

Once you have completed all 29 quests for this event, you’ll unlock the new Pumpkin Spice Lovers Relationship Story and Harvestfest Pie Rack for the game. The Pie Rack is found in a Sim’s investory, and you can select the new story when choosing stories for Sims. You will also receive the bonus “Pumpkin Spice Storybook” heirloom.


Bag of Plenty and Bountiful Gift Box

When completing quests and events related to the Harvestfest event, and when performing everyday random tasks in the world, Sims will earn special “Pie Slices”. The slices can then be redeemed for special Harvestfest themed items in the game.

There are two types: Bag of Plenty and Bountiful Gift Box. Their only difference is that items purchased in the Bag of Plenty require 250 Slices, and items from the Bountiful Gift Box require 75 SimCash. The latter of the two allows you to purchase and complete the collection without collecting Pie Slices.


❗ To access the Harvestfest Bag/Box, select the Cornucopia icon on the upper right side of the screen, or select the “Store” icon on the top left of the screen. 

The Harvestfest Collection consists of Create-a-Sim & Buy Mode Items, including a Juice Press and Horseshoe Pit. Items are listed by “rarity” (Common, Uncommon, and Rare) & chances of receiving them depend on the game. There are also some other rewards like Fashion Gems, Simoleons, and SimCash.

The entire collection includes the following items: 

  • Create-a-Sim Items
    • (3) Pieces of Clothing (Male & Female)
    • (1) Beard for Male Sims
  • Buy Mode Items
    • (1) Award-Winning Gourd Stuffie
    • (1) Harvest Gnome
    • (2) Sparkling Apple Juice Presses
    • (2) Fall Bounty Fireplaces
    • (3) Horseshoe Pits
    • (6) Artisanal Glass Pumpkin Trios
    • (6) Glorious Squash Sets
    • (6) Festive Fall Wreaths
    • (10) Fall Foliage Trees
    • (10) Autumnal Evening Lanterns
    • (10) Little Piles of Leaves
  • Other Rewards
    • Fashion Gems
    • SimCash
    • Simoleons
Tap the bag/box to retrieve your prize

When clicking the currency button in each chest and “buying it”, you are technically “rolling the dice” so to speak. Realistically, these are chance boxes. You are not guaranteed to get different items each time, you will receive many duplicates, and you are not able to select what you receive either. The item you receive varies and is based on “chance”.


Items are tagged by rarity. This means you have a 60% chance to unlock Common items, a 25% chance to unlock Uncommon items, and a 15% chance of unlocking Rare items. Select the information icon to view color tags for each item.

With the way this system is set up, you will end up receiving plenty of duplicates. This is ok in the beginning as you may need to collect multiples of items to complete the set, but this will eventually lead to an excess of items. When this happens, items will be converted into special rewards that vary depending on the rarity of the item.

The following reward conversions are made when receiving duplicates: 

  • Common Items
    • 125 Simoleons (Bag of Plenty)
    • 980 Simoleons (Bountiful Gift Box)
  • Uncommon Items
    • 190 Simoleons (Bag of Plenty)
    • 1500 Simoleons (Bountiful Gift Box)
  • Rare Items
    • 5 Fashion Gems (Bag of Plenty)
    • 30 Fashion Gems (Bountiful Gift Box)


Pumpkin Spice Relationship Story

When completing the Harvestfest Event quests, you will unlock a new relationship story for your Sims. The “Pumpkin Spice Lovers” relationship story will now be available.



Pie Rack (Baking)

Another reward received when completing this event is the “Harvestfest Pie Rack” object which allows Sims to Bake Pies on the stove. You will need to place the item on the home lot, and then click the rack to use the “Bake Pie” interaction. Each pie yields 6 slices.

The following interactions are available with the Pie Rack: 

  • Bake a Pie (requires stove)
  • Admire Harvestfest Pie
  • Enjoy a Slice of Pie 
  • Give Thanks for Pie


Harvestfest Bonus Bundle

When visiting the game store, you will have the opportunity to purchase a special limited time Harvestfest Bonus Bundle. Prices vary by region, but in my game the bundle was $9.99 USD. This bundle includes CAS items, Pie Slices, Cupcakes, and the special Bountiful Harvest Display. The harvest display is an item that produces free Pie Slices.

❗ Players may receive different variations of this bundle.


Horseshoe Pit, Juice Press and Harvest Gnome

Some of the Harvestfest items you can purchase from the Bag of Plenty and Bountiful Gift Box, are new interactive items that unlock new interactions for Sims.

