SimGuruLyndsay Addresses Inappropriate Conduct in the Game Changer Program

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❗ UPDATE: Maxis has released an official statement on the matter

SimGuruLyndsay took to Twitter late tonight to address reports of inappropriate conduct within the Game Changers Program. Yesterday afternoon, community members spoke up about an incident that occurred between a Game Changer and minors back in December.

Those who were affected by the behavior of this person reached out to SimGurus back in late December to report that the Game Changer was harassing minors with sexually explicit advances and conversations. SimGuruKate stated to them that the issue was taken care of, giving the impression that the Game Changer in question was removed from the program.


The incident was brought to light today as many others are now reporting that the Game Changer has continued this disturbing behavior. After a tweet on the incident went viral, it appears that EA and The Sims team asked the Game Changer to step down. Players are now left wondering why EA and the Community Manager did not take appropriate action and remove the Game Changer from the program back when the incidents were reported.

UPDATE: SimGuruKate has tweeted the following:
