How To Complete the Surgeon Story Event in The Sims Mobile

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There’s a new quest in The Sims Mobile! The Surgeon Story Event is available now for a limited time, giving players 4 days to complete the necessary steps that will reward them with the special “Mysterious Benefactor Story” at the hospital.

❗ This heirloom will unlock the Surgeon Career Story at the hospital. Some players were able to complete this event last year, but for those who did not, you have another chance. You will not receive anything new for completing this event a second time.

The Quest for Surgeon event is marked with a multi-colored “Limited Time” banner


To complete the Quest for Surgeon Event, you will have to complete 23 individual quests in the game. You will be rewarded with the Mysterious Benefactor Story. Below is the list of quests (in the order they appear) that you need to complete.



How to Complete Each Quest (Info)

  • Quest #1– Earn 25 Simoleons
  • Quest #2 – Click a sofa and use the “Research” interaction
  • Quest #3 – Click the fridge and use the “Evaluate Cleanliness” interaction
  • Quest #4 – Click a mirror and use the “Inspect Feet” interaction
  • Quest #5 – Complete an event
  • Quest #6 – Click on 3 plants and use the “Look for Plant Feet” interaction
  • Quest #7 – Earn 800 Simoleons
  • Quest #8 – Click a couch and complete the “Playful Podiatry” event
  • Quest #9 – Click a Sim and use the “Nitpick Foot Dimensions” interaction
  • Quest #10 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #11 – Complete 3 Long Events
  • Quest #12 – Click a couch and complete the “Sampling the Surgeon Life” event
  • Quest #13 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #14 – Click on 3 Sims and use the “Discuss Celebrities” interaction
  • Quest #15 – Click a couch and complete the “Playful Podiatry” event
  • Quest #16 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #17 – Use the “Practice Surgical Cleanliness” interaction on a shower
  • Quest #18 – Earn 1,000 Simoleons
  • Quest #19 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
  • Quest #20 – Click a couch and complete the “Sampling the Surgeon Life” event
  • Quest #21 – Change your Sim’s appearance
  • Quest #22 – Complete the “Sampling Surgeon Life” and “Playful Podiatry” events
  • Quest #23 – Complete TWO LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)

Once you have completed all 23 quests for this event, you’ll unlock the Medical Injector heirloom which unlocks the Surgeon’s Mysterious Benefactor Story.
