The Sims 4: How to Make Sure Your Date Goes Perfectly

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Love Day might be ages behind us, but it is never the wrong time to start looking for the sim that turns your plumbob pink!

I’m your silver fox host, Ken Happen, here to make sure every date you go on is a great one! As a world-renowned romance guru, I’ve helped create over 500 relationships (and only about 400 of them ended miserably!). But hey, in the age of tech, even I have to admit, sometimes an AI Girlfriend can be a fantastic way to get relationship practice without the heartbreak! It’s all about learning what works—and who knows? Your perfect match might just be a click away.


I have five very important tips for you to remember for when you’re on any kind of date, whether it be that you’re out on the town with someone you met from the welcome wagon, connecting closer to that friend you’ve met while solving the StangerVille mystery, or taking it to the next level with your romantic interest from your social group.

For demonstration purposes, we’ll have newly matched lovebirds Tilly (left) and Marla (right) show you everything you need to know to make sure you win a gold medal on your next romantic outing. Marla is a party animal DJ from Windenburg looking for someone to be the rock to her roll. Meanwhile, Tilly is a lovable doctor from Brindleton Bay who is ready to start focusing more on her social life after years of focusing on her career. The two of them know each other through mutual friends, but tonight, Tilly has invited Marla over to her house for a date to see if they are a good match.

Alright, let’s get to business!

Tip #1. Set the mood.

Your date isn’t going to have much of a good time if they are uncomfortable, tense, or embarrassed. It is important to make sure that your date is happy, and preferably flirty if they are into you.


As you can see here, Tilly has made sure to accommodate Marla to make sure she’s in a good mood. Marla made sure her house is clean, she put on some fun background music, and she even put up some romantic decor to set the tone for the night.

Tip #2. Don’t test the limits of your bladder.

This is important. Sometimes when we’re caught up with the excitement of a date, we forget to take care of our basic needs. Make sure to keep both yours and your date’s needs maintained, including hygiene, hunger, energy, and bladder. The last thing you want to happen is have a bladder failure while asking your date a risque question.

Marla didn’t take her chances on this date. Even though her bladder was still in the green, she decided to use the bathroom at Tilly’s house anyway. Better safe than sorry!


Tip #3. Know your date’s dietary restrictions.

Food is a must for almost any date. And the food that you pick is a major factor in determining how your date goes. Because of this, you have to be careful with what foods you offer to your romantic interest. Perhaps spicy food is too much for them. Maybe they’re a PlantSim that prefers sunlight to steak. Or maybe they’re a real foodie who won’t accept anything below excellent quality.

In this case, Tilly knows that Marla is a vegetarian, so she made sure that none of the food she made has any meat products in it. Luckily for Tilly, her signature dish, minestrone, is completely vegan.

Tip #4. Show off your dance skills.

Dance is a language that everyone knows. I don’t care if you are level ten of the dancing skill, or if you’re just a rookie when it comes to busting a move. No matter who you are, dancing is always fun for everyone involved. So what if you’re a bad dancer? Most of us are anyway! The most important thing is to make sure you and your date are having a good time.


Tilly isn’t used to dancing, but Marla taught her a thing or two about Hip-Hop. Sure, Tilly isn’t a natural, but the two of them shared a lot of laughs, and they built up their friendship meter along the way.

Tip #5. Always have protection.

Even though you might not feel like using it, I strongly recommend using protection on your date… protection from Vlad, that is. Vladislaus Straud is an ominous vampire who loves creeping up on sims’ doorsteps at night, and frankly, it’s very creepy. He visits at such late hours, making very odd comments about sims’ necks while standing on the front patio.

Depending on how long your date lasts, Vlad could be disrupting you when you’re, uh, “letting the llamas loose,” if you know what I mean. To prevent Vlad from interrupting you and your date while you do whatever it is you’re doing, be sure to hang as much garlic as you can at your front door. Nothing is worse than having a WooHoo session interrupted by a plasma-drinking stalker.


Tilly made sure to consider this when planning her date. Now she and Marla and can “smash some gnomes” without any distractions.

Well, that is that on that. If you follow these guidelines, you will be able to make your next date a memorable one. For more love tips, check out my show “It Ken Happen” on the Romance Channel weeknights at 8pm!

Oh, and as it turns out, Tilly and Marla ended up being just friends. But that’s beside the point. These tips really do work!
