The Sims 4: New Game Patch (October 3rd, 2019)

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There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin. If you have auto updates enabled in “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.

To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC  / Mac If you’ve updated but it’s not showing the correct version, delete the GameVersion.txt file, restart, and all will be corrected.


❗ Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game ❗ 

UPDATE: 10/3/2019 – PC / Mac

We have a couple new costumes for your Sims collection! An adult male and female robot costume are now available in Create a Sim.

In addition we have a couple of issues that we addressed, that we hope will improve your game experience.


General Issues

  • Inward facing doors set to “Lock Door For All” will now actually lock.
  • Attempting to place a room while using the Sims 3 Camera Mode should no longer inform players that “Roofs can’t be placed in enclosed rooms.”
  • Sims will no longer become jealous when sims with the Player trait perform romantic interactions with other Sims in front of them.
  • The cheat “clock._set_milliseconds_per_sim_second” should no longer crash the game. If you know what this cheat does, feel free to let SimGuruNinja know.

City Living

  • We addressed an issue that was allowing non greeted Sims to enter your apartment uninvited.

Get Famous

  • Sims in the Actor career on a gig that have cancelled the “Tell director ready to perform” interaction, will no longer find themselves blocked by being unable to initiate the interaction.

Island Living

  • Sims should no longer get the Sudden Chill moodlet after drinking several Kava beverages.

