Community Spotlight: BereSims (Builder)

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Here to kick off our November Community Spotlight is talented builder, BereSims! In a brief introduction below, Berenicé gives readers a chance to learn a bit more on her work in the community. Take it away Berenicé!

Untitl12124124ed Hi y’all! I’m Berenicé or Bere (beh-reh) for short! I’m a 27-year-old girl from South Texas, of Mexican- American descent. I’ve been in love with The Sims as far back as I can remember, The Sims 2 being the first video game I played religiously as a kid. Now, all these years later I share my builds and creations on YouTube!


The Sims opened up a world of adventure, creativity, and fun from my first interaction with it. Throughout my school years, The Sims video game was one of my only outlets. During a time when most of my childhood and adolescence was controlled by rigid rules and schedules, The Sims was the chaos I got to escape into. It was my way to channel dreams that were too big for my reality. Now all these years later, and having played each variation of the game, I can say The Sims is and has been a huge part of my life. A constant refuge, the game was a way to break free and let my imagination roam with no barriers.

As a young adult, my love of the game took me on a search for people who shared that same love, who could engage with me about The Sims and the endless possibilities of it. This led me to discover the community of Simmers on Tumblr and Twitter. I quickly settled in and became a part of a wonderful corner of the Internet where creativity and imagination ruled. This filled me with inspiration that was begging to be released, a want to contribute to the community with my own creations, and in my own way.

At first, I contributed by helping. I answered questions for those who needed my help, or who came to me directly. Whether it was about the builds I made in the game, or what were certain hot-keys I used, I tried to be a reliable member who helped and inspired others like I had been inspired by so many. When the time was right I challenged myself to create video content of my designs. So, in 2017, I opened up my own YouTube channel, dedicated to the game that had been with me for most of my life. It was difficult, painstaking work to get my content out into the world, but it has truly been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.


On my YouTube channel I create anything from picture-perfect dream homes to abandoned haunted mansions. I recreate houses and buildings from my favorite movies and TV shows, vicariously living in all my childhood dream spaces. I love opening up a new empty lot, seeing it as my canvas and letting my imagination run away from me. With the help of my subscribers I have grown my channel and my skills and I can easily say that these creations are some of the biggest sources of pride in my life.

I am learning from this adventure daily. I strive to share what I have learnt over the years and what I continue to learn, as well as create a safe, fun space for people to enjoy themselves amongst others who share a love for creativity and a love for The Sims. I take pride in being the gateway into a whole new world of gaming for some, and a visit down memory lane for those reintroducing themselves to the new versions of the game. I also take pride in my heritage and my people. I want to be a strong, positive voice for the Hispanic community in gaming, and in The Sims community, especially. As part of the fastest growing minority in America, I want to represent those who do not see themselves yet in the current landscape on Sims YouTube. As a bilingual person I aspire to make even more people feel included, both in the game as well as in the community itself.

So, all this to say: I love building in The Sims 4! I love my channel and the people I have met because of The Sims and I am so happy to be a part of such an awesome and inspiring community. I want to thank my subscribers and the friends I have made on this journey for the endless inspiration. And lastly, a huge THANK YOU to Alexis for the honor of being featured on SimsVIP! Hope to see y’all around!


-BereSims 🙂
