The Sims 4 Stuff Pack: Community Voted Create-a-Sim Asset Winners

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The Sims team has announced the winning Create-a-Sim Assets for the “Create a Stuff Pack” CAS Asset vote! The next vote in early March will focus on objects that will go into production for the pack. Stay tuned!

At this point, we’re well underway in the development process of our upcoming The Sims™ 4 Community Voted arts-and-crafts-themed Stuff Pack. As a community, you’ve picked your favorite gameplay feature (knitting!) and art style (DIY delight!) for the pack. Round three of the voting, though, starts to take us into the particular assets you’ll see with Create A Sim clothing choices.


In the time since the voting ended, we’ve parsed the data, finalized the selections, and gone through an informal internal approval process to ensure the pack’s offerings are well balanced. From the whopping ninety-two pieces of CAS concept art presented, your votes helped narrow it down to the top fifteen pieces you see below. (Some of them are even craftable in-game!)

Without further ado, these are the clothing options that will be included in this upcoming Stuff Pack:

Over the next couple of weeks, our concept artists will be creating more art for the next vote in early March, when you will be able to help us settle on the objects we move forward with. Until then, you can start planning the perfect outfits for your Sims to wear while crafting!

