Community Spotlight: PugOwned (Create-a-Sim Artist)

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Here to kick off our April Community Spotlight is talented creator, PugOwned! In a brief introduction below, Pug gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about her work in the community. Take it away Pug!

Untitl12124124edSul Sul! My name is PugOwned and I love to paint pixel pets and build in the Sims 4

I have played all the Sim franchises from the first to the current, but for me The Sims 4 holds a special place in my heart. It was here I discovered my love for building and painting Pets in create a pet and made wonderful connections with so many beautiful people in the community.


I was always a very casual player; it was a nice little game that I would check in on from time to time.

Not long before Maxis released Cats & Dogs I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and as my health spiraled, I found myself spending more and more time playing The Sims 4. I had never bought an expansion pack before this. The base game had always been enough but the more time I spent in the game the more I wanted my RL dog Bonnie there with me, so of course I purchased the pack and the very first thing I uploaded to the Sims 4 Gallery was Bonnie my best friend. She was not perfect I had no idea what I was doing, and I spent hours and hours creating her, she is still there my very first upload and my most favorite creation

The more pets I create the more I refine the process and I think (hope?) improve my skills. I don’t use a tablet as many think , I use my mouse and Maxis paint tools in Create a Pet. When I first started my creations could take me 25 + hours, with time and practice I can now paint a pet in 4-12 hours and boy are my wrists ever grateful heh.


Much as I love painting my pets, I don’t see myself as just a create a sim artist. I have been known to dabble in building and honestly ? I love to build. I love the challenge of making my builds as realistic as possible without using CC build assets.

If you are not part of the many Sims 4 communities be it the Gallery, forum, Reddit or Twitter I cannot recommend it highly enough. Through out my illness this amazing community without knowing it have lifted me up and lightened an extremely heavy load. In the trying times we find ourselves now this is exactly what we need, thank you one and all, I love each and every one of you.

Thank you, Alexis for inviting me to do the community spotlight. To be among Simmers I admire and whom have inspired me is an honor I never expected


Stay safe , Stay home and lets play some Sims together. All my love.

Pug x

Sims 4 Gallery: Pugowned
