The Sims 4 Stuff Pack: Community Voted Name & Icon Winners

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The Sims team has announced the winning graphic and official Stuff Pack name for the “Create a Stuff Pack” vote! This is the final vote for The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff!

It’s hard to believe that only six months ago, the Community Voted Stuff Pack was just announced! Since then, Simmers have been busy choosing the pack’s theme, directing the art style, picking the Create-a-Sim assets, and selecting the objects. We’ve finally reached the end of the voting process, though, and we have our final results. In this last round, we asked you to vote on an icon and a name for this arts-and-crafts focused pack.


Please say hello to The Sims™ 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack* and its new icon

With the final round of voting complete, we want to take a moment and thank you all for your participation. You turned out in record numbers to weigh in and help us create something super fun. It really shows that we’re all in this basket of yarn together. These votes have been a highlight for us this year, and now all that’s left is to create the actual thing itself!

For now, we’re going to be focused on knitting this pack together for you and crafting the perfect late-summer treat. We still have quite a bit of work to do, but in just a few months, all of it will come to fruition and your Sims will be rocking along and crafting knittables in their new chairs. While you wait, though, take sneak a peek at some of the new gameplay features you can expect. SimGuruConor kindly shared a quick preview (including a new way for your Sims to sell their knittables via the Plopsy online storefront!) a few weeks ago.

