Inspiration Corner: Building Normal Rooms With Paranormal Stuff

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Ghosts! Spectres! Séances! Bonehilda! Haunted Houses! Wow, there sure is a lot to do with the newly released Paranormal Stuff Pack. And yet, I have to say, I am not one bit interested in any of that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been very pleased to see so many happy simmers enjoying this new gameplay, but I’m more into the realistic side of gameplay. So one could think there was nothing in this pack for me, right? Nope, one could not be more wrong!


Ever since the first trailer came out, I have been in awe with the new items in Build/Buy and my builds have never looked better, even in my realistic gameplay. In case you need some inspiration to build with all the new stuff, I mixed and matched some of the new furniture and decor with previous items to show you some of what can be done with the new pack.

Home-y Pastels

It came to me as a surprise that many of the objects on the new pack have pastel swatches, because I was thinking we would get mostly dark-ish furniture to fit the horror vibe. I’m so glad I was wrong on that one. There’s also a lot of different textures of fabric on the couches and chairs, which always makes the coziest rooms. I recommend mixing and matching these swatches with objects from Nifty Knitting and Tiny Living.

Tropical Vibes

Here’s another big surprise I had with this pack: How well these items go with a tropical theme. I particularly like the table with the cloth (it goes so well with those new base game chairs) and I have proudly boarded the loveseat hype train. There’s even a new potted palm tree. I’m telling you, my Selvadorada houses will never be the same again.


20th Century Heritage

I am very into Art Deco and all those aesthetics from one hundred years ago, so some of these new pieces of furniture and their swatches are speaking directly to my builder’s heart. A great addition to items from City Living, Vintage Glamour and Get Famous.

For the Well Travelled Sim

Now this one may be a little too niche, but it fits my gameplay quite well. I always have at least one sim who enjoys travelling, gathering mementos from everywhere they go. They’re scholars with fascinating stories and interesting points of view. Well, now I can make their homes reflect their personalities better.

How are you using the new items from Paranormal Stuff?
