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The Sims 3 VIP February 2013 Newsletter
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Sims 3 VIP Newsletter – June 2011
Here is your June 2011 VIP Newsletter. Click the image below to be directed to the newsletter.
The Sims 4: Next “Guru Garage” Live Stream Set For September 28th
SimGuruKate has announced the next “Guru Garage” stream, where Gurus will hang out and play with the community. SimGurus Romeo, Russkii, and MrE will...
Origin Access Premier To Include Multiple Sims Titles
EA has just announced that Origin Access Premier, debuting later this summer, will include additional content from The Sims 4! The Sims 4 Base...
Origin Access Premier Now Available
For those who want to upgrade their PC membership experience, you'll be happy to know that Origin Access Premier is now available! If you...
Happy Birthday to The Sims (Simlish Style!)
To celebrate today's festivities, the awesome folks over at Platinum Simmers have shared EA's Simlish version of the Happy Birthday song, "Ooboo Vroose Baa Dooo"!
To make...
The Sims: “EA Game Changers” To Attend EA Play 2018
We've received confirmation that the EA Game Changers Program has set up events and accommodations for members of their influencer program at this year's...
The Sims 4: New SDX Delivery (March 24th, 2022)
The fifth Sims Delivery Express (SDX) content update is live, bringing new items to the game for your Sims. To update your game, simply...
The Sims 4: New SDX Delivery (November 17th, 2022)
Another Sims Delivery Express (SDX) content update is live, adding new content to the game for your Sims. To update your game, simply launch the...