Frustration & Progress of Women in Video Games
This GamesBeat interview features our very own SimGuruLyndsay of The Sims 4
Video games have a problem when it comes to the inclusion of women in game...
Origin’s 2013 Year in Review
It was quite a year for Origin and our community. A lot of great games launched in 2013, including Battlefield 4, Assassin’s Creed 4,...
Origin: Charging Issues on Pre-orders
For those who have Pre-Ordered The Sims 3 Into the Future via Origin, please note that you may have been overcharged, or charged multiple...
Gaming the Future With EA’s Frank Gibeau
Frank Gibeau is a veteran gaming executive who until recently was in charge of console and PC game development at Electronic Arts, a gaming...
The Sims VIP October Newsletter
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Maxis/EA: The Sims Office Pranks
Ever wonder what the developers are up to when they're not creating our beautiful Sims? Creative Director to The Sims 4, Ray Mazza, gives...
Introducing EA’s Newest CEO
Executive Chairman Larry Probst posted the following:
On behalf of EA’s Board of Directors, I am very pleased to announce that we have chosen Andrew...
A Message From CEO Andre Wilson
EA CEO Andrew Wilson posted the following blog entry"
Let me start by saying I am deeply honored and humbled to become EA’s CEO. ...
The Sims VIP Newsletter
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EA’s 2013 Gamescom Press Conference
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