Sasha Robertson Casting: Casting Call for Sims Players
Sasha Robertson Casting, a UK based casting company, has put out a call for active players who play The Sims. According to the listing,...
Community News: Enthusiast Gaming to Acquire The Sims Resource
On January 7th, 2019, Enthusiast Gaming announced an agreement to acquire 100% of the assets of The Sims Resource. In a press release posted to...
The Sims: New 19th Anniversary Designs Added to the Official Merch Store
To celebrate the 19th Anniversary of The Sims, Maxis has released brand new designs for their Merchandise Store. Two new designs have been added to...
The Sims 2 FreeTime, Apartment Life, and Bon Voyage: 3D Art Portfolio by Stephen...
Former Object Modeler to The Sims, Stephen Ma, has updated his 3D Art Portfolio. We've already seen his Sims 3 work, but now he's...
Maxis Integrates The Sims with Alexa Enabled Devices
During today's Maxis Monthly stream, The Sims team officially announced that they started working on software that integrates The Sims with Alexa enabled devices. If...
EA Ends “Free Code” Support For The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection
As of October 11th, 2018, Electronic Arts has ceased giving out free copies of The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection. The origin promo, that ended...
Game Informer: The Sims’ Unseen Design Notebooks (VIDEO)
Game Informer Magazine has released an amazing video from the Strong Museum of Play, where tour guides give an inside look at Will Wright's...
The Sims Artist Showcase: Get Creative
Welcome back to another Sim Artist Showcase, this time we get our creativity skill rolling with some handcrafted sim projects. I hope this inspires...
SimGuruGrant’s Weekly Tweets on The Sims (Part 5)
Since his return to Twitter, SimGuruGrant has been quite the social butterfly! With so many different tweets and topics, we’ve decided we will round...
SimGuruGrant’s Weekly Tweets on The Sims (Part 4)
Since his return to Twitter, SimGuruGrant has been quite the social butterfly! With so many different tweets and topics, we’ve decided we will round...