Expansion Pack #7 – Game Effects Video
*Update* - At the request of EA, Sims.Mixei.ru has removed the video.
We are pressed by EA to remove the EP7 Effects Video; we are...
Sims.Mixei.ru – Expansion #7 Toys *Photos*
In the recent 1.32 patch notes, the 7th Expansion Spoilers revealed a few new toys. Sims.Mixei.ru has found the toys in buydebug, and here...
Sims 3 Patch 1.32 – *Expansion #7 Spoilers!*
All the info that was "accidentally" leaked within yesterday's 1.32 patch, is now in one place for you to check out! Be warned that...
Werewolf Sliders in latest 1.32 Patch!
:!: Just a common courtesy warning. Please do not go and badger the SimGuru's about this information, as they are going to have to act...
Werewolves, Witches, Zombies & Fairies?
:!: Just a common courtesy warning. Please do not go and badger the SimGuru's about this information, as they are going to have to...
Sims 3 Supernatural Fact Sheet + Official Screens (Updated 8/13/12)
The Sims 3 Supernatural Fact Sheet
This article contains all officially confirmed information regarding the Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack. When new info becomes available...