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The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff

SimTimes Interviews Jennifer Lane

  SimTimes: What can we in The Sims 3: Dream Suite expect accessories? Jennifer Lane: In accessories Dream Suite is mostly about relaxing and feeling good in their...

Origin – 50% off Games Storewide

  Origin is having an awesome 50% off sale storewide, and this sale includes 50% off The Sims 3 Pets & The Sims 3 Master...

EA Press – The Sims 3 Master Suite Photos!

  What an awesome email to find sitting in my inbox this morning!  EA Press has released the first photos of Master Suite Stuff!  The...

Sims 3 Master Suite Approved by MDA (Singapore’s ESRB)

  EA's listing on the EULA pretty much confirmed this SP, however Singapore's Media Development Authority (their version of ESRB), has approved the game. I guess this...

New Hairstyle from Master Suite!

  The Sims 3 Facebook Page has posted a new photo!    

Sims 3 Master Suite Chat Replay + 160 Screenshots!

  Watch the Sims 3 Master Suite chat and check out 160 screenshots below! Master Suite will release on January 24th, and if you still...

Sims 3 Master Suite Forum Now Live!

  The Sims 3 Master Suite Forum has now gone live! Direct all your many many questions there :P    

Pre-Order Sims 3 Master Suite @ Play & ShopTo

  For those of you in the UK, & already have their Pre-Order listings available for Master Suite!    

Sims 3 Master Suite Concept Art and Men’s Undies!

  The Sims 3 on Facebook has posted a reminder for the Sims 3 Master Suite Chat on Thursday, along with a new photo of...

Sims 3 Master Suite – Included Item Photos!

  Click the images for a larger view!  

